Coach’s Note; What follows is actual although edited exchange between Most Noble Online Student TC and his “Dear WF Teacher Ananda” whose work with him is obviously cranking him ever Higher, Deeper, and Inner…WF Online Studies; the Steepest, most Direct Path toward Transformation Through World Class Health and Fitness;
How Bad Do You Want It, Baby?!?!?


Dear Teacher Ananda –
It really hit me last week, as it often does, how many different things we are working in this practice. Pranayam, Mula Bandha, abdominals, shoulder flexibility, high heart rate, long, slow cardio, subtle internal core muscles, speed strength and power, focus, awareness, silence. Every day brings something different and a deeper awareness of the interrelationships…

If a sign of a good week of workouts is having nothing left to give, then this was a perfect week. I finished up on Sunday with a 40 minute Cardio Commute each way to a 90 minute Power Yoga class. This was a fun and challenging day and capped a fun and challenging week. I had not been to a class for a while and was up for a ride and a sweatfest. This was a good fitness checkpoint as this combo workout is pretty draining. Monday recovery was rapid and my energy increased quickly throughout the day.

It sometimes feels like i am a planet with an elliptical orbit circling the WF sun. Sometimes my orbit comes very close to the sun (WF intensive) and my focus is internal and then i go shooting out into orbit (business travel, social) and my practice and focus are external. Following my intensive, i have been externally focused (which surprises me) and my practice centered on the more physical aspects of the program. I sense that I am moving back to the center and a stronger focus on the internal disciplines of the practice.


shishya tom

Thomas S. Carpenter IV, CPCU
Chief Operating Officer

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