Every subatomic interaction consists of the annihilation of the original particles and the creation of new subatomic particles. The subatomic world is a continual dance of creation and annihilation, of mass changing into energy and energy changing into mass. Transient forms sparkle in and out of existence, creating a never-ending, forever newly created reality.

“In studying the Way, realizing it is hard;
one you have realized it, preserving it is hard.
When you can preserve it, putting it into practice is hard.”
– Zen

Photo 1) a ponderosa sapling twisted by the Dance of the UniVerse or ‘Lila’. all Living Beings are twisted, sculpted, and shaped by Lila. getting upset or trying to be ‘perfect’ is absurd to the Awakened Warrior. much wiser to go with Lila’s Flow. Use forces, don’t fight them, as Huxley said. i took this photo near Bismark Lake in the San Francisco Peaks Wilderness.

Photo 2) when i finish my Ai Imawa Postures (ancient Taoist yoga sequence; available on the Tribal Catalog) with the posture; “At One With The UniVerse,” i often bring to mind this Zukav quote, then i saturate myself in contemplation of Atman, fill myself with Atman, become Atman. this is known as; Yoga. Union with the Divine. photo by Wayne Williams

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