Just as there can be no “Ultimate Workout” as we are all in various stages of our intradisciplinary journey toward Enlightenment…Just as there can be no “Ultimate Religion” as we are all trapped in Relative Truth in our Journey toward Absolute Truth…so too can there be no “Ultimate” anything in our current Realm…this life is only a Bardo Realm and all the Forms in it – including our mountains and our children – merely Forms Made Manifest By Our Own Stage Of Awareness…

…all we can abide by is Perspective…
and the growing synchronicity and deepening of Positive, Auspicious Signs (Om So Ti) along our Way Higher…

…to a Conscious Parent, the attainment of and exit from our child’s “4th Trimester” is a small, yet deeply meaningful cairn along the Conscious Parenting Way; Human Beings were meant to stay inside the uterus (which means, of course; “You Two, Are Us!”) for one year, not nine months. it’s the size of our (ever growing) skull casing that disallows each infants calm abidance in the dreamy, remote Bardo Station of the uterus. we are literally forced by the Force of Nature, to exit early and be pushed and heaved into this World of Form…it is the Conscious Parents SvaDharma to keep the infant in an absolutely loving, calm, quiet space for the three months post-delivery. This means fiercely protecting the infants space from visitors, loud noises, and well, the Outer World in general. no easy task. the baby needs only Her mothers 24/7 loving attention, warmth, and of course, milk. The pranic environment is everything for an infant and must be guarded and protected and nurtured on all Planes. this means; absolutely no “Child Care”, no “nurseries”, no “babysitters” no “Errands with the baby”, no nothing save for the wolf-like protection and provision from both Amma (mommy) and Abba (daddy). This type of Tribal Loving Care, so intimate and so unforgiving on so many fronts in this accelerated ‘modern’ day and age has been, at least for Ananda and myself, the Steepest and Most Direct Challenge on our present capacities of body, mind, and spirit.

Thus,through all the Unknowing, the Absolutely Frightening Moments of Rookie Parentdom, it is with keen inner and outer vision that the yogic parents look for Om So Ti’s…and there are, Thank God, deliciously thousands of them if we keep our Practices strong as possible through the 4th Trimester.

On the eve of Dewa’s 4th Trimester Birthday (3 Months) the Happy, Auspicous Signs became astoundingly obvious; my BuddhaFilled World became just that as my Child From The Land of the Snows, brought forth for Her 4th Trimester Birthday Gift for Her rookie parents that most precious element of all elements in the southwest; Moisture!

and in such Grandeur of Form; SNOW!!! the very essence of my spirit! and thus the Snow began to fall…and fall…

…and on the morning of Dewa’s 4th Trimester, the WF Temple H(om)e was caught beneath a dramatic, static cloud of Pranically juiced negative ions in the Form of…

…dazzling snow that glittered blindingly off each pine branch…

…and radiated with such shimmering velocity from the svelte, white iced shoulders of the Sacred Peak, that the beauty of each m(om)ent,
of each cold breath,
stunned the senses…

…To My BuddhaFull Baby Daughter Dewachen; Thank You, thank you, thank you for manifesting this most Precious Om So Ti, right on your 3rd Month Birthday.
even if, God forbid,
you disappear from Ananda and i tomorrow;
the Form of your naked body
beholding such an Ancient Love in your Lotus Eyes,
that in all the emptiness of my Soul,
your toothless, sacred smile
would be endlessly silhouetted against the bleakness of my emotional sky.

Why dare even the risk of such a dark thought on
such a brilliant day as this?

For it is the response-ability of the Conscious Parent to deepen Gratitude
by NEVER assuming.

Our children, as Gibran wrote, come through us…they are not from us.

Happy 3-Month Birthday, Dewa!

Amma and Abba love you to the sound of HRI!!!!!!!!!!!

into the Land of the Snow, i now ski; taking with me
the image of thee…

head bowed,
abba ilg

Post Script: this DL is lovingly dedicated to the life of the Cassin’s Finch that i was forced to send into the Bardo this morning. we say “yes” to much suffering when we build houses with windows into which Bird Beings fly, breaking their lovely necks and/or wings. oh…the horrible Blessing of living this life with an Awakened Heart…May All Beings In All Realms be freed from suffering…

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