Whoever called them, “children” set up an entirely flawed spiritual paradigm as it relates to Conscious Parenting. Our children are not “our children”…they are Brahman’s not “ours”…the Creator allowed them to come Through us, yet they are not ours. Our Children are not our Children, they are, in fact, our Portals. They are are Windows, our Gateways back to our True Self…as we meditate and nurture “our” Children’s struggle into our Form-Full UniVerse, the wise Parent assimilates – often through meditative osmosis gained in steady, long solo Practice – our own preparatory underpinnings for our own return to FormLessness (a.k.a. death). Remember; not “children”…but “portals” intended to lift all of the Human Realm Higher…if we, as Parental Yogis, do two incredibly difficult things:

1) Listen and 2) Practice.

i give you Rinpoche;

The purpose of reflection on death is to make a real change in the depths of our hearts. Often this will require a period of retreat and deep contemplation, because only that can truly open our eyes to what we are doing with our lives.

Contemplation on death will bring you a deepening sense of what we call “renunciation,” in Tibetan ngé jung. Ngé means “actually” or “definitely,” and jung to “come out,” “emerge” or “be born.” The fruit of frequent and deep reflection on death will be that you will find yourself emerging, often with a sense of disgust, from your habitual patterns. You will find yourself increasingly ready to let go of them, and in the end you will be able to free yourself from them as smoothly, the masters say, “as drawing a hair from a slab of butter.”

photo by coach yesterday of Ananda (at 40.5 years) and Dewa (at 4.5 months). Dewa has known only Abiding Love so far into Her FormFul Bardo Entry. my job is to make sure that Ananda can spend 24/7 of direct skin to skin contact with Dewa. there is nothing more important or noble for a Daddy Warrior to do then to ensure such Mother/Daughter constant contact. Oh, and be our Guest to click and enlarge the photo and just fall all in Love with the Adorable One(s)…my lips are chapped from kissin’ and smoochin’ and chompin’ all over both my Lovely Ladies…

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