click on the photos for another round of DL Chi Hits…

The Sacred Peak wearing her summer colors. photo by ilg, yesterday.

Dear Steve;
I have been a low-level practitioner of your teaching; I have your
books and DVDs, and I am trying, but that’s all I can say. I have one
passion in my life, and I am wondering if you could help me. I am a
surgical resident, and I can tell you without an ounce of cynicism or
false pretense that my passion is to become a surgeon who can heal and
help people in need. I am not that talented, but I am not that clumsy
or stupid either. My problem is I am somewhat feable in disposition,
and I get easily flustered when it comes to tense situation. Can you
help me to obtain the state of mind that maintains zen like calmness
even in the most dire situation?
Thank you

“As long as you think there is a ‘do-er’ you are still caught in the wheel of birth and death,” said the Buddha.

So, what are we supposed to do? Just sit around and do nothing? Of course not. We earned a human body through lifetimes of miniscule spiritual progress – conscious and unconscious flickers of our Atmanic potential flitting through our lifetimes until you have arrived Here Now; present and Awake to hearing Dharma like this from fellow Spiritual Warriors. Buddha was teaching us not to avoid ‘doing’ because ‘doing’ is our human nature. Rather, don’t identify with the ‘doing.’ Do it, whatever it is, impeccably, however, don’t think you’re the One ‘doing it.’ Learn to let “it” flow through Thee. Like my Rinpoche Dewachen, at whose tiny feet Joy and i took Dharma Teaching (see above photo) yesterday in an alpine meadow, just know that all our ‘doing’ is happening as part of Lila…The Dance of Nature.

“Love without attachment is Light.”
– N.O. Brown

Rinpoche Dewachen’s post mealtime blessing of our kitchen floor.
photo by Ananda.

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