Greetings Coach Ilg,

CV count revealed 5 hours 30 minutes last week thanks to 60 minutes of good snow shoveling and a 2-hour xc ski ‘drop-everything’ adventure. This week is revealing it’s own rhythm which appears to be altogether different.

early morning solo asana has been slightly off since Saturday. my best ‘insight’ with this is that doing it sans instructor has revealed a tendency to go through the motions vs. staying with 5 breaths per movement – which is challenging to patience more than to movements or postures. 15 minutes on my own = at least 45 minutes in a class.

student coop becoming curious as to whether my outdoor gear is worthy of a real Flagstaff winter. i get by here in a gortex shell jacket and running tights topped by nylon sweat pants. your tafs??

lastly, i’ve been meaning to cast a vote for Uncle Buzzy’s card among my favorite DL’s in 09. not that you and Dewa aren’t positively ‘all-That’ in your headstands :-)…..
and i caught the ‘groundedness’ teaching last week, although in drive-by mode, so i must read again. thank you.

peace and blessings,
student coop

Most Precious Coop,

this was a most beautiful Update.
within the spaces of this Update i sense the lengthening of your Mind Waves.
several other key points;
* your “drop everything” adventure (THAT IS A GREAT PHRASE!!)
* you realizing that you were in “drive -by mode” when reading DL (hey if it took a lifetime of my Service along with an hour to do just one DL, you can honor with a quality 5 minutes, right?)
* your rhythmic sensing of your weekly training flows…your Inner Taoist is rising!
* Cardio Volumes climbing
* that 15-minutes of Solo Practice is equal to taking a 45-minute class
* that the “Zen Hit” of my Uncle Buzzy DL hit home, says a lot to me of where you are vibrating.

oh, you’ll be fine with whatever cold-weather gear you have. i’ll just make sure your working hot enough to make up
for a lack of clothing.

are you getting a wee bit nervous yet for (y)our upcoming Intensive?

it’s go(o)d to be a little nervous!



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