
Photo:  This Halloween,   my two little witches (Ananda and Dewa)  gave out SUNRIDER™ Herbs two fantastic products:  SUNBARS and NUPUFFS…the absolute health and great taste of these treats probably went unnoticed by the kids,  however, their cells sure did appreciate it!  So will yours!


Dear Coach,I just put in our first SUNRIDER Herbs™ order in a few years, small but mighty.

Coach: Most Precious Yogini P…go(o)d. like anything genuinely Wholistic…success comes not from gulping and stopping…but rather from sipping constantly. the Herbs and MAP Aminos pivot on this same Truth.

Student: I would also like to order a bottle of MAP Amino Acids but do not have your number for that. If you would be so kind as to provide me with it, I will not bug you anymore…at least for the time being.


• here is the ILG MAP LINK

you must use and re-use this Link each time you order to ensure the WF Temple gets a small percentage and helps me provide the time for guiding you along your Journey!  Just scroll down beneath my video and you will see a “GO TO MAIN SITE”…click there and follow the easy ordering icons for MAP Amino Acid Pattern.  Oh, and you are not bugging ilg.

this is what ilg does.

Student: Also, we are in the thinking stages regarding selling MAPS here at our office. How would we go about doing this? Would you still get credit?

Namaste and Thank you,


Coach: i don’t think i would…sadly. throughout my years with MAP, several professionals have started selling MAP and to date, i do not get credit.

you can email Cindy<at>Bodyhealth<dot>com

with questions on retailing MAP…all ilg knows is that EVERYBODY in the WORLD needs to get on and stay on…MAP and the Sacred Whole-Food Herbs of WF; SUNRIDER!

head bowed with 10,000 Waves of Gratitude,

coach ilg

2 Responses to “(free) SR and MAP: Q&A Beginners Info”

  1. Hew Suet Fong says:

    Beloved Coach,

    i was wondering why there wasn’t any Halloween post this year. Finally! Anyway, i have to tell you this. Thanks for somehow manifesting a Halloween invitation for us in London. The invitation was from Rain (3 years), Steve and Joy, (one of our neighbours down the street, whom we weren’t previously aware of). i had a double take when i looked at the leaflet we got through the letterbox. i know how crazy you guys are about Halloween!!! Gosh, how did you manifest Rain who is Dewa’s exact age?!? Still, thank you!

  2. coach says:

    Precious Suet!
    don’t worry about the “how” of the manifestation, just treasure the miracle within the mundane! your Devoted Practice is the essence behind all external manifestations!
    love and mantra,
    your feeble ilg

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