must say…pensiveness runs rampant like the Tsangpo through my cells tonight…after 8 consecutive years and at least as many as double that over my lifetime,  ilg is leaving my Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon Pilgrimage to the capable spirits of Julie “Padma” Mueller (2nd consecutive Mt. Taylor) and Tsidool rookie yet willing Warrior;  Brad “bRad” Tafoya.  the photo of me above was taken in 2008 at the top of HeartBreak Hill during another Championship effort.  ilg will miss those heaving, Kachina-drenched breaths tomorrow, even though i’ll be racing in a brutal 10k skate race tomorrow into a 20k Classic race on Sunday…once you’ve done what it takes to accomplish the 75-kilometer Sacred Pilgrimage of Mt. Taylor?  She itches at your Atman, relentlessly…

Padma (from Flagstaff)  and feeble ilg not too long ago here in Durango…doing some alpine ski training in order to help Padma’s Mt. Taylor ski-descent abilities.   ilg trusts that our time together on the slopes will transfer deeply into her Sacred Effort tomorrow coming off the high-wind summit of the Sacred Peak of Tsidool…

…and here is my other WF Pilgrim, bRad, at my snowshoe race; The Winter Warrior 10k, last Saturday during his final hard effort before taking Pilgrimage to the Sacred Peak.  May it serve him well…tomorrow will be bRad’s first ever attempt at Mt. Taylor…

and ilg cannot be more (yogically) proud of  these two amazing warriors…


let’s send these two WF Warriors some Light tomorrow…they’ll both be out there,

getting it done,

for about 6 hours…

may their Noble Pilgrimage inspire your OWN Practice this weekend…

now…i gotta go wax my planks…

Blessed Be All Who Choose To Sweat and Sit Still,


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