Dewa chose to rock her “Wonder Red” outfit for her Graduation pic…awesome choice!
10,000 Waves of HeartFelt Gratitude for the FANASTIC Teaching Staff at
Durango Early Learning Center, especially her SunRoom Teachers; Becca and Kimmie!

Congratulations Dewachen Catherine Ilg for performing soooo amazingly well at PreSchool!  Having never been to DayCare and with only a handful of babysitting hours in your life,  you really stepped up BIG TIME to your first school year (even if it was only 3 half-days per week!)…

and for the Tribe,  Dewa said it was cool if i shared with you all;  who support our Family…one of my favorite works of your art from your school year;

Piccaso once said, “It took my entire adult life to learn how to paint like a child.”

4 Responses to “This M(om)ent; S(om)ebody Just Graduated From PreSchool!”

  1. Sandra Lee says:


    I see Bluebell wildflowers, leaves of all different shapes, and some tall grass, along the Sacred Animas River where Dewa lives.

    I am still amazed she can spell her name!

    Dawa G

  2. coach says:

    Precious Dawa G!
    …and how the Heaven did she KNOW that her Wonder Red costume would pick up the Poppy background of her school picture so perfectly!?!?!

    today, while riding home she read the following sign out loud, red point; “No Parking; Bike Lane Only”


    sharing your amazement and let us know when you can Dewa-sit again!


  3. Sandra Lee says:

    Coach & Ananda,

    Dewa is so determined! I cannot believe she is almost 5 years old. And she can count, spell her name!, and ride a bike with no trainers. The last time i dewa-sat, she was so full of questions about me. She asked me why i don’t up cut your hair? i told her well because i had short hair all my life and recently i decided to grow it long. She said ” we are opposickles.. i have short hair and you have long hair.” Then she asked me why do i walk everywhere and do i ever think about buying a car?” I told her well … i had a car.. but i love being outside every chance i get, that way i can see and touch all the flowers, take off my shoes and socks when i want to get into the river, and take my time if i wanted to.” She then asked me how old i was.. i told her 10.. she didn’t believe me.

    Thank you Dewa for teaching me about Stop Lights…♫ twinkle twinkle traffic lights ♫ . I walked home smiling and giggling to myself.

    Dawa G

  4. coach says:

    Most Precious Dawa G!
    thank you for your Metta!
    you know, we pick our Dewa-sitters VERY closely and a huge reason that we cherish and trust you to be with our little Rinpo(che) is that you LIVE the yogic warrior lifestyle deeper and more sincerely than anyone else i know. the very fact that you walk everywhere and touch the flowers along the way is precisely why we love you so and trust that you positively influence Dewachen. we know she can be a bit of chi-ball, so thank you for choosing to be YOU and to be our Precious Dawa G!

    lifetimes like houses of cards,

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