Most Noble Coach and Ananda and Dewachen,

I hope this email finds you soaring with the eagles.

i just wanted to inform you that we have a new member of the clann! (Picture attached) we have named him James. i have high hopes that James will become a worthy WF Warrior in due course.

i  have  been thinking a lot about WF recently and stopped by the site a few times in the last few days. Awesome stuff, i am reminded of the remarkable work you do and admire the courage you show in walking the path and  the incredible amounts of sense you talk.

In the hectic rush of the last two months, my credit card has expired and i am currently not in possession of one. my records indicate the last payment was made on 03.04.2012 i apologise since i had overlooked this matter.

it occurred to that i still have membership on the site and i am able to log in and read the great material contained therein, and that perhaps i truly should not have access to this material since technically I am overdue my monthly tithe. i thought that honesty will be the best policy here and thus I am bringing the matter to your attention, otherwise i would feel like i am sneaking into the temple like an unwanted guest!

It may be a week or two until i am able to provide new card details but i will do so as soon as i have them.

One more thing, it would be great if your online store accepted PayPal as a payment means. i would like to purchase the eBook version of the WF Cookbook but since I do not have a credit card just now i can’t pay for it. If you accepted PayPal I could!

On the fitness front i am committed to trying to walk 200km in the course of the next month and am looking at joining a new iron temple to lay down the foundations for being a strong and responsible father.

Head bowed  offering you my most positive,  golden light of yogic wisdom.

student austin


WELC(OM)E to this plane(t), Most Beautiful, Precious Jeweled Son Of Shiva James!!!

ilg has NO DOUBT that James will set ALL SORTS of WF records, standards, and inspiration for the next generation of WF Warriors worldwide!    Congrats to you, Student Austin, and to your Beloved Partner!

thank you for speaking your Truth (Satya).  you are more than welc(om)e to remain fixed to the Teaching Blog until you are able to pay.  And,  we are working to use PayPal as a primary payment method in the very short term future!   we have a whole new Pro Shop ready to pop and updated payment methods!    thank you for your Practice of Patience within our humble, powerful Temple.

let me know if i can help on the fitness front and there are scores of Conscious Parenting/Fathering Dharma Teachings now available on the archived Teaching Blog…May they be of benefit…

One Response to “Welc(om)e to this Plane(t)!! A New Member of the WF Clan! Student Austin speaks his Satya!”

  1. Austin Dimmer says:

    Thank you for the kind words and understanding! It’s a great feeling to be a daddy that is for sure. i will be reading the blog frequently. i am totally stoked to read things like “this place spin balances your chakral fields faster than an Osprey tracking on a Trout…” and “Ancient man sat in yogi squat for Go(o)d reason; doing so incites a much needed enzymatic ocean which rushes to the elimination assistance of the GI tract so that the impacted fecal matter and other digestive residue from flesh-eating is thoroughly addressed.” You have a great way with words and they resonate strongly. Namaste!

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