“…a diet must be in wholeness with the lifestyle, including biomechanical behavior…” pic of Daddy and Dewa trekking across a snowfield on the Continental Divide by Ananda.

“All karma is God.”

Because WF is a Dharma Path,  sensationalizing diets – which in this Kali Yuga age is easy pickings for making fame and fortune given the predictable easy prey of an obese nation – is not within this Lineage’s philosophy.   Authors who jump on tidbits of science and/or fiction to promote themselves and gain profit through sensationalism will need to work out that particular karma within the Bardo and Beyond.

At any rate, this recent Paleolithic sensationalism which is based on consuming the often toxic flesh (in both spiritual and physical aspects) of  today’s animals (ala Cordain) to mimic the composition of the “evolutionary diet” is a bad joke at best.   There are so many unAwakened flaws in this approach, that I could write a fetching, sensationalistic (and probably best-selling) book on the imbecilic basis of attempting to convince mainstream Americans that they can and should eat anciently.

I can’t even get people to brush their teeth while in a yogi squat,  let alone get them to sit in yogic squat and/or sit in a lotus style of lifestyle sans furniture….like early man did.   Why bring this point up?  Because a diet must be in wholeness with the lifestyle, including biomechanical behavior.   It’s downright criminal to encourage a flesh eating diet to an obese nation without first mandating that they rid their lifestyles of furniture and engaging a wildly passive/active exercise pattern including long sustained siesta’s in summer and meditative hibernation in winter followed by 60 kilometer barefoot jog/walks through intense terrain throughout the months as was anciently done to gather specific herbs/roots/plants coming into season at various elevations/micro climes, and highly intense hormonal/caloric spikes as was natural in choreographing and carrying out a buffalo stampede over cliffs.   Ancient man sat in yogi squat for Go(o)d reason;  doing so incites a much needed enzymatic ocean which rushes to the elimination assistance of the GI tract so that the impacted fecal matter and other digestive residue from flesh-eating is thoroughly addressed.

Ancient man sought out and ate lots of saturated fat…for Go(o)d reason;  it was very efficient to support the feast/famine nature of the wild life…iron retention, which can be toxic to a flesh-eater that does not bleed frequently such as did ancient man compared to our current modern man whose worse injuries related to iPad callouses, is yet another blunder of many forwarded by the Paleo diet fad.  And if,  as is being waffled by the author of the Paleo diet,  modern man is supposed to substitute skinless other forms of flesh instead of red meat,   then how can something called “The Paleo Diet” recommend the avoidance of red meat and saturated fat if it was a significant part of our evolution?

There there is the whole lack of spirituality, karma, karuna, samskara which goes unaddressed in the Paleo fad which to ilg, is the greatest travesty of for-fame-and-fortune endeavors such as diet fads.  It’s too overwhelming for my heart to even enter that topic, right now.

These are just a couple of things which jump out at my Wholistic awareness whenever i’m subjected to hearing or reading about these latest diet fads such as the Paleo diet.

My coaching counsel to you, Noble Warriors of Wholeness, is to stick with the WF Path…go ahead, play around with what’s out there if you must…i surely have throughout my own life…yet, come back h(om)e to the Proven Path of WF and keep cultivating Wholeness,  not specificity in the forms of diets, fads, and fashion…

As you know, the WF Mealtime Guidebook is available as an ebook and the treasure of the WF Nutritional Principles and Practices are available in my books and in the WF SanghaLounge (old and new)…if you’d like an online or phone Nutritional Counseling,  just email me;  steve@wholisticfitness.com  and let’s get you tracked on the Path which is Proven…

Blessed Be Your Sweat and Stillness today,


7 Responses to “well…the thing about the Paleo Diet fad is…”

  1. Kevin Burnett says:

    And whatever you do, never, ever, go to one of the popular “Paleo” sites and get sucked into reading the comments there. Just five minutes of such an activity will shorten your hamstrings an inch and lock your hips for days.

    I’ve been paying attention to this “physical culture” stuff since the mid 70’s and have seen countless fad diets come and go. It always amazes me that the people pushing them are so dead set on it being the end all be all. Don’t they know that there were 100’s before them pushing a different fad and just as sure that it was the best? And there will be 100’s after them doing the same thing only it will be eating like an elephant (they live a long time and have really good memories, don’t you know).

    Moderation in all things, chew your food slowly and a lot, sit up straight, breath, 1/3 food, 1/3 liquid, 1/3 empty. All I ever needed to know, I learned in the Outdoor Athlete almost 20 years ago.

  2. coach says:

    Brother KB,
    well said, again. your lifelong experience helicopters you far over the glossy drama of the Current Diet Fad and that, is a Great Blessing…

    1/3 ilg

  3. Kevin Burnett says:

    Well, you’ve been some of the biggest wind under my rotors Coach. 😉

  4. coach says:

    head bowed…

  5. Brad Gantt says:

    Finally a voice of reason in the sea of self-congratulatory, self-righteous paleo babble. Selling one bastardized aspect of our ancestors lifestyle for profit and short-term gain while looking down upon everyone else as unwise, unwell and unenlightened is the very height of hubris.

    head bowed,


  6. Brad Gantt says:

    Ha! Speaking of hubris, that should have been,

    head bowed,


  7. coach says:

    it’s been too long since ilg has told you how much feeble ilg loves the Mighty Minded & Limbed BG! thank you…

    eat an Herb and May We All Just Get Higher Than Our Hubris…

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