Most Noble WF Sangha,
s(om)ething told me that i couldn’t miss giving Sandra Lee the 2011 HP Yogi Of The Year Award as she was nearly FLAWLESS in her weekly attenDance of my classes plus being front and center to any Special Event/Lecture that i offered….well, she’s not missed a step yet this year as well and has ramped up her Sacred Sweat-based understanding of all things WF as she has attended not only all my yoga classes yet has also been faithfully persevering in private sessions, my wholistic track and field workouts, and other gnarly Go(o)d local offerings from me…then, recently, she surprised the hec out of me when this no-car-owning-walks-everywhere precious Yogini said she signed up for one of my most cherished and historical Sacred Sweat P(ilg)rimages; the 14-mile, super high-country mountain trail run known as the local; Kennebec Pass Challenge! You may recall my Teaching Blog on this last year, when i used this race to spread my father’s ashes…well, this year, we had DawaGahti (her WF Tribal Name which means; Moon Blossom) toe the Start Line and…well, she cranked….
“Coach Steve Ilg, thank you for your confidence in me and many thanks to all Yogis, Yoginis, and Athletes who constantly inspire me on a DAILY basis.”
She not only cranked the entire Race, she did so while c(om)pletely attuned to the SongDances of wolves, wildflowers, and eagles whom visited Dawa G during her Noble Effort in the high peak race…
just before the race, she sent me this picture of a Cloud Being and her poetic interpretation:
“…games of hide and seek. tasty clouds. if i grab a handful of clouds… would it feel like a cotton ball or escape my hands like nothing? if i float into a cloud, would it carry me or will it drop me out of the clouds? what is inside a magical cloud?…inside a magical cloud are flowers of all shapes and sizes, a roaring waterfall, stars that dance with the moon, nothing but beauty.”
May All Of (Y)our Practices Be Thus Inspired By This Amazing Devotee Of Our Humble, Precious Path…
so high, so rarified above the rest…
head bowed,
your humble coach
Coach and to all the WF members,
I had absolutely NO expectations before this race and during the race and after the race. I did not even know I was doing this race until the day before the race, I turned in my registration form at 10 AM. I did know it was 14 miles and that was not a problem for my mind since I do walk everywhere in and around Durango. Oh, it was soooooooooooooo pretty and soooooooooo much fun. The day after, I only felt a lil soreness of my quads, knees were a lil tired, my left foot needed a massage but I was ready to get back on the trails. The second day after, I hiked Junction Creek and spend time with a friend for 3.5 hours on the trail after HP Yoga. I totally give HP Yoga, and Track and Field work outs the credit for not feeling so sore after the race and the fact that I did not fall at all during the race. When I was running, my mind would always go to the WF website and everything I learned from the blogs. For example, Coach’s blog about his Kennebec race experience, with his green tee shirt ,and his father’s ashes being spread. Or his “broken” back, and how to recover from a workout that used a lot of compaction. Or Josh’s running form from his picture, I imagined his gait and copied it. I remembered Brad’s Mount Taylor blog and what he learned. Whenever my breathing got heavy, I closed my eyes during the race and lowered my breathing. I remembered some runners before start of the race stating they needed their IPOD because if they listened to their breathing, they become unfocused. Those are the people who did not hear the wolves howling, or saw young Eagle at the summit a hand’s reach away from me. I have a lot to work on pre, post and during the race. I cannot wait for next year! I would LOVE to do Imogene Pass Run but registration is now closed, so if you have signed up and cannot make it…. please consider me. I love being outdoors, and it is my playground.
Coach, I did surprised you @ Hogsback summit. Thank you for the HogsBack hike.
Most Precious DG,
in all my decades of Teaching this rarefied Path which hovers like a rainbow of versatile possibilities above all the rest…you, my Treasured Moon Blossom, are a deeply unique One… i bow to your Devotion, inSight, and chronic bravery to Dance the Divinity within…
head bowed,
your feeble teacher of absolutely nothing
thank you for signaling Brad to consider me for his Imogene Run Pass Transfer. I send in my papers Wednesday. I cannot wait to see the peaks on this Race. I just know I will see an eagle and perhaps a wolf howling in the background again, and oh to say to all the Aspen trees over there. Perhaps I will relay a message from Aspen Trees on Imogene to the Aspen Trees on the Winter Warrior route, i know they are relatives and they miss each other.
Treasured Jewel of the San Juan’s Dawa G,
that paragraph? dat’s why you are such a beaming, radiant Light in Kali Yuga… you are an amazing heart-based Warrioress and it will be deeeeeep honor to know that you’ve taken Sacred Pilgrimage on my beloved Imogene Pass Race! glad to be of assistance to your Dance…
head bowed,
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