DEFINITION OF WARRIOR in Cree: (Kinwhapmackin)
Kinwhapmackin is a person with leadership qualities, who sacrifices themselves for the betterment of others, protecting the people, culture, heritage, and land. Ensures promising future for present and generations to come.
They are the carriers and are guided by the teachings of Courage, Honesty, Humility, Compassion, Respect, Sharing, and Wisdom.
Souchayimuwiin / Courage
Taabwaaoushiiwiin / Honesty
Dibtaiimuwiin / Humility
Souwaayiichiichaawiin / Compassion
Chishtaiimiiduuwin / Respect
Naanahwiikaaduuwiin / Sharing
Kaachaataawaayiitaamuwiin / Wisdom
special thanks to HP Yogi of the past two years; Sandra Dawagahti Lee for providing this Definition
pic: feeble ilg caught in full on, naked mind/body/spiritual hurt….approaching the Bike Down Transition at mile #25 of last Saturday’s Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon as captured by my long-time photog; Barak Naggan of DEFINITION OF WARRIOR in Cree: (Kinwhapmackin)
Kinwhapmackin is a person with leadership qualities, who sacrifices themselves for the betterment of others, protecting the people, culture, heritage, and land. Ensures promising future for present and generations to come. They are the carriers and are guided by the teachings of Courage, Honesty, Humility, Compassion, Respect, Sharing, and Wisdom.
Souchayimuwiin / Courage
Taabwaaoushiiwiin / Honesty
Dibtaiimuwiin / Humility
Souwaayiichiichaawiin / Compassion
Chishtaiimiiduuwin / Respect
Naanahwiikaaduuwiin / Sharing
Kaachaataawaayiitaamuwiin / WisdomDEFINITION OF WARRIOR in Cree: (Kinwhapmackin)
Kinwhapmackin is a person with leadership qualities, who sacrifices themselves for the betterment of others, protecting the people, culture, heritage, and land. Ensures promising future for present and generations to come. They are the carriers and are guided by the teachings of Courage, Honesty, Humility, Compassion, Respect, Sharing, and Wisdom.
Souchayimuwiin / Courage
Taabwaaoushiiwiin / Honesty
Dibtaiimuwiin / Humility
Souwaayiichiichaawiin / Compassion
Chishtaiimiiduuwin / Respect
Naanahwiikaaduuwiin / Sharing
Kaachaataawaayiitaamuwiin / Wisdom
special thanks to HP Yogini of the past two years; Sandra Dawagahti Lee for the Warrior Definition
pic: last Saturday; ilg deeeeeeeeep in the Pain Cave at mile #28 of the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon….pic by my long-time photog: Barak Naggan at
HUM SA!! I know that pain.
head bowed,