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pic of your feeble teacher practicing the Ai Imawa Taoist Healing Postures near the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico. These postures, thousands of years old, were Taught to me by Sensei Kaoru Kishiyama in the late seventies and remain one of my most powerful, lifelong healing sources. You can think of Them as a precursor […]

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The Native American definition of a Warrior is a person with leadership qualities, who sacrifices themselves for the betterment of others, protecting the people, culture, heritage, and land. Ensures promising future for present and generations to come….

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As Race Day nears, there is no more physiologic training effect that we can ‘gain’ in the last few
days…many will overdo these taper days out of compulsion, fear, lack of quality off/pre season training…
i designed the following Meditation specifically for the early days of a Taper Week…this Inner Silence Meditation sets an astral foundation of mental spaciousness upon which we will run Pre-Race Visualizations and Meditations later in the week…

Use it…please do not share with non-Members unless you ask me…thank you…this Meditation does carry a Transmission Effect from our Lineage;


created by Coach Ilg specifically for Students of Wholistic Fitness®

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Warriorship is about being brave enough (read; fearless) to be gut honest with ourselves every step of the Way. When our own mOM is encountering a possible Bardo Entry, it’s a pretty interesting Mirror in which to watch our mind, our ego, and our emotional waves. The egoic default system in place seems unflappably fastened to our Being; “Oh, poor me…having to clean up this diarrhea again when i could be out riding my bike or skiing or doing asana…” How many seconds, minutes, hours, days, lifetimes does it take before our Higher Self rises above the ego and emotions to herald, “This IS your yoga! This IS your Practice…so PRACTICE!”

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honestly however, me toeing the Start Line tomorrow? has helped in unspeakably potent ways to heal my knee. see; let me tell you a Secret of Mountaineering, Sport Performance, Overcoming Weakness/Imbalance, Conquering Dis-ease and Injury, and last however, not least, Chi-ld Rearing: ALWAYS MOVE IN THE DIRECTION YOU WANT TO GO.

if you had seen my right knee one and a half weeks ago, here is what you…well, actually perhaps not YOU being a WF devotee…however, here is what many would have (and many did) say:

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DO NOT MISS THIS! Learn about my “3 Traditional WF Sport Pilgrimages” and register today for two of them before they reach capacity! Come, toe the Start Line with America’s most competitive yogi and attend special events with me at this Pilgrimages of the mind/body/spirit!

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rinpo on train

fact; brain neurons are generated in humans until about 3 years of age. after this time, our brains have about the most neuronal ‘fitness foundation’ as it ever will. as a father of a radiantly healthy 3 year-old Rinpoche, my interest in this physiologic fact has been and remains sincere. in this Teaching i will […]

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