Above all else, we need to nourish our true self—what we can call our buddha nature—for so often we make the fatal mistake of identifying with our confusion, and then using it to judge and condemn ourselves, which feeds the lack of self-love that so many of us suffer from today.

How vital it is to refrain from the temptation to judge ourselves or the teachings, and to be humorously aware of our condition, and to realize that we are, at the moment, as if many people all living in one person.

And how encouraging it can be to accept that from one perspective we all have huge problems, which we bring to the spiritual path and which indeed may have led us to the teachings, and yet to know from another point of view that ultimately our problems are not so real or so solid, or so insurmountable as we have told ourselves.

– Sogyal Rinpoche


The WF Rumor Mill is True!  i’ve teamed up with world-class filmmaker, Scot Davis of SageTechVideo.com  to produce a NEW HP Yoga® PROP WORKOUT VIDEO!   we shot Day One today and it was AWESOME!    even got my two precious girls in on the act!   on Sunday we shoot again…then,  yup!  it’s off to the editing room and then bingo, bango…YOU GET – FINALLY – a new, 90-minute HP PROP Workout straight from 6,512′ Durango Colorado…an EXACT class typical of what we crank each week!   The vid will be around $50 and worth every stinkin’ cent…trust me!    i’m offering an early bird Hidden Discount in this footnote for Members Only!  Email me asap at:   steve@wholisticfitness with “DURANGO PROP” in the Subject Line.  pic by Scot Davis of feeble ilg,  Dewachen, and Joy ‘Ananda’ Kilpatrick on the film set today.

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