Earth Day! Mother? ilg clan has got your precious (turtle) back, today! the Wholistic Fitness® Principle of “Litter Patrol” has been an integrated part of my personal fitness training method since 1982…

ilg and my Tribe continue to do our part…“what if everyone did it?”

…besides, how often do you get to see a bona fide Princess picking up

other people’s trash?


“Yes, my love?”

“How come some people throw trash on our Mother Earth?”

“Well, baby girl?…they just didn’t have Go(o)d Teachers…that’s all…”

do you Love Yoga?

Go(o)d…then make it part of your Sadhana to pick up litter…

cuz ultimately,  yogically,  it’s not ‘someone elses trash’…

it’s all ours.

so pick it up and teach your Chi-ldren to do so too…

my parents did…

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