
Happy 84th to my precious M(om)…may feeble ilg be so ALIVE with the CHI as her…and yes, that is my 55 year-old older sis, Constance Ilg with my M(om)…and a Happy 45th to my little brother Craig who was born on my M(om)’s b-day! — with Constance Ilg.

Oh, y’all might be expecting sOMe great Mothering Advice from my mOM to ilg which helped impart
the tremendously powerful WF Lineage Teachings to you..however,

it all kinda boils down to the one main tenet (ironically) of yoga:

1) Non-Attachment/Dispassion (Vairagya)…

my M(om) was/is/endlessly shall remain a strict disciplinarian..

little touching, feeling, loving was evident in my upbringing under Margie…my mOm, this Time Around….

much was assumed…

even more was mixed into an emotional casserole of messages provided by body language, vocal inflection, and perhaps most intense of all;
facial expression, as in ‘that eye-searing look’ which stated without absolution;

“Just WAIT until your Father gets home,”

which meant…the Belt upon my buttocks.

i know the Love of my M(om) for me more through frugual, monetary lessons laced via Poverty Consciousness than

i do of direct skin contact…

of touch…

of feeling…

of non-conditional listening…


such are the Ways of White Man’s Motherings during this Kali Yuga…

so i bow at the non-lotus feet of my precious M(om) this time around…

and stand-under her

undstanding of her first born son…

feeble ilg




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