Our Father (Sky) who art our heaven..Hallowed is thy nature…Thy kingd(om)e c(om)e…
pic by ilg, last night, near Farmington, New Mexico
A genuine yogi – born between Father (Sky) and Mother (Earth):
does his or her damnedest to turn weakness’s into strengths, ignorance into awakening, life into sadhana, but… it doesn’t work.
Sure, we might carve out a minuscule release in our tight hips and even tighter hamstrings yet still our lower back feels like a lava rock after our next run.
A genuine yogi – whose Grandfather is Sun and whose Grandmother is Moon:
refuses to take on other’s unhappiness, no matter how deep our compassion grows throughout our practice. “All karma is God,” that is why i like being alone, breathing Father Sky upon my bike until the pain in my back turns, disappears, and returns…so i can dive deep into myself again and again, and endlessly again…
A genuine yogi – whose sadhana is wholeness:
is strong because of our (karmic, samskaric, spiritual, physical, and mental) wounds.