

Sandra Lee, a Beclabito Native, became the first Native American female to ever qualify for and compete in the USSA Snowshoe National Championships even though she had never played in snow until becoming Wholistic Fitness® student…now, she breaks ground in her h(om)town on a Trail at her chi-ldhood school to help Native kids experience what she never did:  a safe, beautiful, nature/fitness trail…however,  we NEED YOUR HELP!

As of July 2, 2014 i and Beclabito native, Sandra Lee, got the green light to design, develop, and maintain a Nature/Fitness Trail for the Beclabito Day School on the Navajo Reservation southwest of Four Corners National Monument at the foot of the Carrizo Mountains.




One of my VERY AWES(OM)E  Teaching Assistants during one of my marathon teaching days at the Beclabito Day School on the Navajo Nation…pic by Sandra Lee.  HELP US BUILD THESE KIDS A NATURE/FITNESS TRAIL!


As some of you know, it has been my lifelong mission (as well as Sandra’s) to Give Back to the Native Americans upon whose precious Turtle Island all of us dwell and many of us have gained fantastic inner and even outer wealth from this Native American land. Given the historical and ongoing tragic treatment of Native Americans by the White Man, it is the LEAST we can do to help the younger generations of Native Americans who now suffer a pandemic of obesity and diabetes due to cultural invasion.




Although surrounded by stunning natural if not mystical beauty, Beclabito has not ONE mountain biking trail, hiking trail, or even a skateboard park, soccer field, or half an outdoor basketball court or even a running track while here in Durango, less than 2 hours away? We have DEVO and DOZENS of world-class venues for our kids to service ALL of their interests and passions.

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selfie taken this morning after winning a toe-to-toe with the BIA to get root $ for our Kids Trail Project…NOW…let’s forget the bureaucratic hoop jumping and build some deserving kids a TRAIL!!! 



We are hand building this trail using minimal impact and tools in order to give Becablito kids something that Sandra – who using Wholistic FItness® and my coaching – became the first Native American female to ever qualify for and compete in the USSA Snowshoe National Championships – never had; a safe, beautiful nature trail to re-inspire a truly Native connection with health, nature, and fitness. Snowshoeing is, by the way, a Native American invention.




ilg on a trail recon mission, looking toward what is now and for generations of Native kids;  Cottonwood Corner on the Inner Loop…

please consider helping us with one or more $20 increments; we BADLY need 3-handmade bridges, educational and directional signage, fitness stations, follow up fitness journals for the kids and staff, and something to help offset our hours of sacred sweat over this summer!

We’ll be working on the Trail every Saturday from 9-12 noon throughout the summer and need your sweat, spirit, and/or monetary support!

PLEASE! Let’s do this for the KIDS of the Natives upon whose lands ALL of our LIVES have been dancing….please?!



for more information or to sponsor a sign and/or fitness station, email me at: Steve@WholisticFitness.com


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