This M(om)ent…
Dewachen; “Daddy,can you PUHLEEEEZE bring home this Leech for me as a pet?”
Daddy; “Seriously?”
insert the all-too-predictable moments whereupon the precious Daughter convinces Daddy to bring home a Leech as her pet from a high alpine lake, get it into water from the Animas and put it into the unused fish bowl vacated by the now-dead carnival game won Goldfish Beings and then dig up a Grubworm Being from our veggie garden upon which the Leech Being can blood suck…
ilg must admit..so far, the Leech Being has out-entertained and educated my daughter than the Goldfish…Leechy Cheechy (Dewa’s name for the Leech) is definitely more poetic and kundalini-esque than the dang goldfish…

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