pic: feeble mountain yogi ilg doing what i do best;  having World-Class focused fun in my beloved San Juan mountains.  photo by Sandra Lee yesterday up high near Ouray, Colorado during my descent from a mountain duathlon workout, trying to get back to the car before the next storm cell opened up!
…mind unruffled
shaking distractions away
like the wind-god
scatters a few
forest leaves. 
– Kottitha
(written a few thousand years ago) 
Was speaking with a devoted Hot Yoga – you know, the classes that are done in like 1,000-degree heat – yogini this morning at our campsite.  Actually, she was talking.  ilg was Listening, Smiling, and Breathing.  She was going off on how GREAT Hot Yoga is and how after an hour of sweating till she thought she would pass out,  how ‘cleansed’ and ‘purified’ she felt.
that’s great!
ilg is a fan of hot yoga.
in very small dosages.
what ilg felt like saying was something like,
“Well, yeah…of course, however,  that external heat can also
– should also –
be provided from within, through pranayama and other health disciplines like endurance cardio in the high mountains.
she was not a student.
more smiling and nodding.
flash forward several hours later and nearly 3,000′ above where we had our campsite conversation i was 2.5 hours into a 3.5 hour high-altitude peak running workout.
ilg was beyond sweat for Brother Thunder allowed Sister Rain and her close Cousin Hail to adorn my body with all sorts of water-based, heaven-sent artillery…
one hour later, on my descent
ilg was beyond WAY Beyond;
i was in  surreal enchantment based upon gushing waterfalls from snowfields,
just-born Aspen Beings surrounding my every eyesight, sinewy steep trails ornate with jeweled rocks and roots…
flashing back on my Hot Yoga addicted friend,
ilg found myself once again
thanking the Deities for
providing this lofty Path of Wholeness
through sweat and stillnss
known as
Wholistic Fitness®.
Thank GOD for the Dance of Wholistic Fitness®!
and THANK YOU for choosing to Be Here Now with us!


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