One of feeble ilg’s most precious English words: Resilience. The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. Today, ilg ran up Smelter fr(om) RiverPad (my h(om)e near the Skate Park). Felt solid up the mountain, then, coming back through the Dog Park, was starting to dismantle. This broken back yogi’s right hip (4 career road racing crashes on it during my decades as a cyclist) went off..wanted to limp, no way.  Lower back (broken in ilg’s infamous winter ascent fall from The Diamond, Longs Peak in ’81) was searing hot.  Wanted to stop so bad, no way.  ilg did what ilg does best; just keep a’goin’… Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 4.41.47 PM

pic; feeble ilg after nailing First Tracks on snowshoes for the 5th consecutive year at Purgatory Ski Resort, last Tuesday.   My favorite time of Purg’s ski season?  Is before the lifts run and after the lifts stop running,  even though ilg is a chronic Season Pass Holder.   ilg just prefers the quiet and the Nobility of earning one’s descents!  


using a quiver full of Wholistic Fitness® inner techniques to get ilg once again to the Finish Line.

Just then, as ilg was still managing 9-minute miles through the Dog Park…feeling and entertaining a little pity party for ilg’s lifetime of chronic pain,  an Upa Guru arrived to SLAP my shit back into and onto a Higher Place.

A Dog Being.  running up to ilg as if we were long lost friends (surely, true according to Samskara)...His (or Her) face sooooo c(om)pletely enraptured with the UNCONDITIONAL JOY OF SEEING ILG (again !?!?!)!!!  apologies to Strava cuz?  with THIS MUCH LOVE focused on ilg?  HAD to respond in Appropriate Action (Wholistic Fitness® Lifestyle Principle #3!). dropping to ilg’s knee’s  We hugged, slobbered, and snotted over each other in the only Dogfest Way known between our two Species… this Dog Being was soooooooooo elevated by feeble ilg’s appearance and acceptance of His/Her Love?   ilg c(om)pletely forgot about ilg’s broken back chronic pain.

This precious Upa Guru (in Dog Being incarnation mode)?
Only had 3 legs.




let’s NEVER let OUTER CIRCUMSTANCES DESTROY OUR INNER SACRED JOY at just BEING ALIVE in this beautiful, precious Glittering Realm!


head bowed,

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