No words can describe it
No example can point to it
Samsara does not make it worse
Nirvana does not make it better
It has never been born
It has never ceased
It has never been liberated
It has never been deluded
It has never existed
It has never been nonexistent
It has no limits at all
It does not fall into any kind of category.
pic by ilg the other morning outside our WF Temple H(om)e…
each morning ilg Practices his EMR holding hands with this View,
though different each Blessed morning,
in sOMe ways, deeply, sacredly the same…
when my LifePlan/Dream took an abrupt left handed turn
when cOMpletely unplanned (actually, planned against)
ilg became a father of a re-incarnated, fiery Rinpoche from
Padmasambhava’s Realm…
ilg admits; it’s been the steepest headwall i’ve ever attempted to climb
yet, thanks to my Practice begotten from my Teachers…your Teachers..our Teachers…of this
amazing Precious Path of WF?
my Essential Nature of Mind is only intensifying through the difficulty…not diminishing…
how doth the saying go?
“The interruptions ARE the Practice!”