so, when the chronic crush of negativity, aggression, and turbulent emotions arise in what my ego self calls, “the mediocrity of Fatherhood,” ilg HAS TO use Mindfulness as my go-to Protector for not creating more black karma

pic of the ilg clan with a 6 day-old Chicken Being by Abe Gott


The practice of mindfulness defuses our negativity, aggression, and turbulent emotions, which may have been gathering power over many lifetimes. Rather than suppressing emotions or indulging in them, here it is important to view them—your thoughts and whatever arises—with an acceptance and generosity that are as open and spacious as possible. Tibetan masters say that this wise generosity has the flavor of boundless space, so warm and cozy that you feel enveloped and protected by it, as if by a blanket of sunlight. – Sogyal Rinpoche

when feeble ilg reads, and TAF’s about this precious paragraph?

it brings me back to my responsibilities as a Daddy…can ilg EVEN attempt to relate to you, Noble Sangha, how MANY COUNTLESS TIMES over the past 4+ years since my entire Life Plan took an extreme left hand turn into new Daddyhood at my elder age!?!   Karmically? Samsarically?  Ilg must fight the demon of “having been a mother countless times” in previous lives and sOMehow, sOMeway, my karma has seen to it that even though i spent over 4 decades of my life creating an AMAZINGLY RICH LIFE as a…well, ilg…doing what ilg does best;  having extreme fitness fun without chi-ldren…well, here i am again.  as a Mother…masquerading as a Father/Provider…as if that that’s gonna work.

so, when the chronic crush of negativity, aggression, and turbulent emotions arise in what my ego self calls, “the mediocrity of Fatherhood,” ilg HAS TO use Mindfulness as my go-to Protector for not creating more black karma by letting Anger, Resentment, and Envy.  and the many head-shaking mOMents of Doubt….”i should NEVER have become a Father…”

Mindfulness, Noble Sangha?
Is the world’s greatest and most soothing balm for all that agitates your manas (Lower Mind)…

trust me on this one…

head bowed,

your feeble teacher of nothing

3 Responses to “WF Lifestyle Principle #2, in all her Shining Glory and Saving Grace…”

  1. Sandra Lee says:


    Dewa will someday become a mommie! She will remember every teaching, every touch, every color of her favorite clothes as a baby, every chicken being she held, every cat she had, every student that came to your house for bodywork…..

    She will always be proud and blessed she has you and Ananda!

    Dawa G

  2. coach says:

    Dawa G,
    thank you Tribal Sister…ilg needed to hear that today…it’s been a(nother) long pull…i’ve printed out your cOMment and will read it to Dewa right now in the bath…

    Dharma Blessings,

  3. Sandra Lee says:


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