The cells of our body are dying, the neurons in our brain are decaying, even the expressions on our face are always changing, depending on our mood. What we call our basic character is only a “mindstream,” nothing more. Today we feel good because things are going well; tomorrow we feel the opposite. Where did […]
WF Devotee Brad Gantt designed the DVD Cover of my upcoming; AI IMAWA – The Postures and Practice of Inner Harmony.getting this DVD into production has tested ALL the Teachings in the Ai Imawa philosophy! *** “Every single negative thing we have ever thought or done has ultimately arisen from our grasping at a false […]
Body lying flat on a last bed,Voices whispering a few last words,Mind watching a final memory glide past:When will that drama come for you? VIITH DALAI LAMA
The birth of a man is the birth of his sorrow. The longer he lives, the more stupid he becomes, because his anxiety to avoid unavoidable death becomes more and more acute. What bitterness! He lives for what is always out of reach! His thirst for survival in the future makes him incapable of living […]
“Why waste sweat on anything other than your own Salvation?Make each droplet count toward your Enlightenment…not for you…for All Beings In All Realms.”– steve ilgphoto; Soulstice Mountain Race 2006 – 3 years;3 podiums Every spiritual tradition has stressed that this human life is unique and has a potential that ordinarily we don’t even begin to […]
“Naturally speaking, nothing is ugly. Everything, every Being is beautiful. As we Practice wholeness, our vibratory rate amplifies. The things we see, touch, feel, taste, smell, and otherwise sense grow intensely and non-dualistically more beautiful because we are sensing the Divine Aspect more readily within our whole being. ‘As within, so without.’ When we TRY […]
here i am, photo right, attempting to claim my space as the race course narrows to singletrack only 12 seconds after the Start Gun. you have to know you belong at the front in order to race at the front of a race. same thing in life; you have to know you have the potential […]
Metaphysical Teachings From Pagosa Duathlon – Race Report #1 “To excel in a sport is not mastery of self-cultivation.”– steve ilg photo of coach racing at Pagosa Mountain Duathlon last month, shortly before a high-speed crash. coach went on to win by a 20-second margin. photo by Tom Steen The spiritual advantages of being an […]