
It’s a funny thing, ain’t it?
You and i Here Now, again?
Beginning Again and Again, and Endlessly Again until Enlightenment?
According to the Ancient Enlightened Ones? You and i have been attracted toward one another for lifetimes – not unlike the way Moth Beings are attracted indiscriminately toward the Light…at whatever the cost.

According to the Ancient Enlightened Ones, you and i – at whatever Level – have reConnected in this particular Dharma Vehicle known as the Internet, due to our past karma.

We still – you and i – have Work to do.

The work we have to do? Is Wholeness. And, there are 3 pivotal aspects that we need to recognize about our continual Journey Higher.

The most common question ilg gets asked by those New to my Path is typical; “How soon can I expect results?”
Here are the Three Wholistic Realizations Which Must Flower In Your Heart:

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Aspiration For The Truth…

Published on Nov 23, 2010 by in Dharma Teaching, Teachings


When we have prayed and aspired and hungered for the truth for a long time, for many, many lives, and when our karma has become sufficiently purified, a kind of miracle takes place….

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Good Morning Coach, Our office phone is a cell phone and Konryu used it to download your latest webinar/lecture.Recently I was sitting at the desk and I heard a rustling sound, then I heard a voice say “Namaste“. I looked around to see where the voice was coming from. Since the ringer was off, I […]

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ilg thinking

Dear Mr. Ilg,

First I must say I have long respected your astonishing intellect about wholistic training and noble sport performance done for spiritual reasons. Your books have inspired me and my family, I want to make sure you know that. Thank you.

Now…please also understand that I understand that among several other deeply perturbing ‘training assignments’, you actually coach your students to pee in the sink presumably “to save water.” This struck me as so utterly divorced from what a “Personal Trainer” and ” Yogi” should be…please, tell me that such crude behavior is just rumor!

A Precariously Perched Fan

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Even our biologic family may not necessarily be our deepest spiritual family, yet the Grocery Store clerk very well might…

Is karma really so hard to see in operation? Don’t we only have to look back at our own lives to see clearly the consequences of some of our actions? When we upset or hurt someone, didn’t it rebound on us? Were we not left with a bitter and dark memory, and the shadows of self-disgust?

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dewa leaf pile

Eventually, our society just might arrive at the re-Discovery that sports, sweating, and stillness may provide the most accessible Path toward Awakening and social transformation the Western world will ever see. – coach ilg. All the jobs we do, the practices we perform, the sports in which we sweat, are mere apprenticeship. the real Art, the true Yoga is our life.

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Yogis – traditionally – are intensely apolitical. that’s because they’ve blown through the delusion of how things seem, and Realize that it is only by developing oneself we can truly help others.  Rumi comes to mind: Apparent shapes and meanings change. Creature hunts down creature. Bales get unloaded and weighed to determine price. None of […]

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rinpo on train

fact; brain neurons are generated in humans until about 3 years of age. after this time, our brains have about the most neuronal ‘fitness foundation’ as it ever will. as a father of a radiantly healthy 3 year-old Rinpoche, my interest in this physiologic fact has been and remains sincere. in this Teaching i will […]

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