Ilg finds Spiritual Principles while Snowshoeing…

after two weeks of snowshoe training here at Ski Hesperus, my tracks – both old and new – appear to ilg as Tibetan Prayer Banners; for each one was made with the Sacred Mantra as background to my heaving cardio efforts…

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ilg has been doing and teaching the same and/or similar core movements for over 3 decades and am falling ever deeper in love with core training. why? i don’t use music, or fancy machines or other gimicks…i use core training to rescue over and over again my soul…by using core training as a form of Pratyhara (yogic sense withdrawl)

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a shot from when feeble ilg “had it all” from an Outer World perspective; 6 figures in the bank account, a harem of fitness honeys, celebrity fitness clients, my own yoga studio, and thankfully, still the Divine Light showed me the Way Higher and out from this trap…photo by (unnamed) after a full night of partying at the Bellagio, Las Vegas, circa 2004. Below, i answer a shout for help from a young gun in LA who found himself in my same spiritual trip and trap…you might be surprised at my answer….

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This M(om)ent;   “I want a mountain…a wonderful, waterfall mountain…”   Dewa’s Santa List and other hole shots from the Shambala of the San Juans

after a morning of chopping wood, cranking Mantra, i had to lower the testosterone inherent to operating such things as chain saws, 8lb Colton Splitting Axes, sledges and a half-cord of wild wood to soften into being a bodyworker…so, into the Zendo i went and the subsequent transformation from Yang to Yin

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engineer autumn

to feeble ilg’s experience, sometimes the world’s most powerfully beautiful spots are potent psychospiritual vortices which…
ilg, trained by a wolf, has been observing in wolf-like ways for the past several years since the birth of my own daughter, how the young kids have become so falsely “sophisticated” if not attentionally-neurotic that ilg can see the bergschrund within their minds which takes illusion for truth, and that mental instability is now being accepted as simply the sap which feeds the fruit of true knowledge…though it is not so…

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Get On With It…

i hear myself breathing upward…

just GET ON WITH IT….no matter WHAT the hec it is;

no matter how full of canvassed Fear…

no matter how incompetent you feel,

how under-confidenced you feel…

just do this Noble Warrior Yogi on the Path of Awakening:

Take the Full Selection of thy Karmic Workshop and Duties thereof in this incarnation because the out-patterned, archaic model of resistance really just doesn’t slide as poetically, as gracefully and this ski; single-struck glides beneath my knee, tethered to my glute…

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Padmasambhava Teaching….

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ludgate 4*11

Give all profit and gain to others,
Take all loss and defeat on yourself…

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