WF Lightin’ Up The Way!

Published on Jun 01, 2007 by in Student Testimonials

WF Lightin’ Up The Way!

Thank You Teacher Ananda, and Coach Ilg, for carving this WF Path that when we choose to follow, Lights the Way.– Online Student Wendy Cooper photo above;Student “Coop” gettin’ ready to dance up some dacite at the Mt. Elden rock climbing area with Coach and Ananda during her WF Private Intensive last summer in Flagstaff. […]

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What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous.– Thomas Merton “Thanks for the chi hit this morning Coach […]

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If you are a 3x National Champion in UltraDistance MTB Champion like WF Student Timari Pruis (Kenda/Ellsworth), crashes and injuries are part and parcel to the Journey. During a recent injury recovery, Timari developed a blood clot and the doctors put her on Coumadin. One of Timari’s first priorities was to contact me to get […]

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"Aged To Perfection" – Student Sasso Gets Me In OUTSIDE

Namaste Noble Warriors! it’s me, the “MultiSport Mutant” according to the June Issue of OUTSIDE Magazine… i got ribbed pretty good yesterday by the boys in the peleton,“Hey, ilg! Mr. Poster Boy!!! Can i get your autograph on my calf?”“Ooooh, look out, here comes, “The Mutant!”…Here, please take this wheel, Poster Boy!”you know…that type of […]

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"…your teachings are so rich with nutrients."

Namaste Teacher Ananda,Welc(om)e home Coach! i have thoroughly enjoy DL during your LA visit! Yeah! The online shower has begun! EMR (Early Morning Ritual) continues to keep me grounded and begins each day with mindful intentions. breath and mula bandha have guided me through these physically and emotionally strenuous days. thank goodness for the foundation […]

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Due to technological challenges, the SUNRIDER SPRING MISSIVE is currently on view on my complimentary blog: InDirect Lines head bowed, knee deep in Secret Herbs,149 lbs, 6.8% bodyfat, and feelin’ super fine at nearly 45… your loving coachLead Director/SUNRIDER Herbs since 1983

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The HP Yoga PROP WORKOUT; the Mother of all workouts!

From Hakado Ru’s Weekly Update to me: “YOGA: HP Prop DVD. Man, this just kicks my ass in so many ways…so many different ways…each and every time. There will be a major day of celebration in the Hak Household when I complete the entire 1:06 without stopping to catch my breath or rest a shakey […]

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The EEE-GAD Workout; a WF Classic!

Friend, I found this brilliant, incisive, simple: “I had many work plans for today.Then the day dawned.”{coach ilg in DL last week} From time to time I am reminded of something called the Eee Gad workout. I have an Outdoor Athlete’s Training Journal showing I did it a couple of times in October 95. Notes […]

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