MERRY CHRISTMAS, Oh Noble Sangha!!

Published on Dec 25, 2007 by in Wholidays

MERRY CHRISTMAS, Oh Noble Sangha!!

For as long as space existsAnd sentient beings endure,May I too remain,To dispel the misery of the world. – SHANTIDEVA From ours, to yours, and most importantly to the Sacred Space that keeps us One… Thank you, my faithful and beautiful Sangha of Strength and Suppleness,of Sweat and Stillness… Your support of our humble, powerful […]

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can i please just say how much i LOVE my SoCal Sangha?! you guys all just CRANK! great job bringin’ the mountaineering chi! much love to NWSM! So Cal Running

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The Most Yogic Of "Mainstream" Holy-days…HAPPY, WHOLISTIC THANKSGIVING!

A heart to you on this ThanksGiving Day…without your support of my humble, powerful Temple? Transpersonal Fitness would be as extinct as is the Dinosaur Being that left his HeartShaped footprint upon HopiLand… This is an easy one. Some of our Western economically driven “Holy-Days-turned-Holidays” can really dredge some deep confusion about what these HolyDays […]

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From Suet To Dewachen, And Then Some GHOULISH DHARMA!

I swear to Lord Avalokiteshvara; i have the most BEAUTIFUL SANGHA of Peaceful, Kickass, Wholistically Fit Warrior Yogis that has graced this Plane(t) in a loooooong time! Please meet most cherished WF and Sunrider Herb Lovin’ Couple; Suet and Ian, shown above on their recent wedding day. The happy ones are practicing their WF in […]

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Serving Is Our Most Important Issue: WF Temple To ReOpen For Public Service on Wednesday

This auspicious shot was taken by myself on the sunset of Dewachen’s first day of being alive. Though this photo from our 3rd story hospital room does not allow the Pranic Golden Saturation to be seen, the entire scene was permeated with a surreal, etheral Golden Light literally pouring off the Sacred Peak toward our […]

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Happy Wholy-days to You, our Beautiful WF Sangha

We’ve covered a whole lot of varied terrain and mystical ether again this year in DL and so,From Beneath the Sacred Peak, we send heart-felt wishes for you and your family to share a Sacred Wholiday Celebration in what ever form may it assume. For those celebrating Christmas; Birth of Jesus, Hanukkah;The Festival of Lights, […]

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