
You Won’t Believe How Healthy And TASTY Is This Dish!!!

Serves 4 Noble WF Warriors,   Prep Time; 20 Mindful minutes

When i instructed Ananda to start gathering more Conscious-Parent Mealtimes for our next WF Mealtime Guidebook, ilg once again underestimated the innumerable siddhi’s which radiate like bicycle wheel spokes from my Beloved’s capacity. This one, what i call, CONSCIOUS COUSCOUS ACA (the ACA means with Apricots, Currants, and Almonds) has GOT to be one of her most recent finest dishes!  Rinpoche Dewachen (3) absolutely DEVOURS this dish with gusto leeching from her precious eyes! To our Clan, this dish tastes like Heaven-sent candy that is really, really healthy for all yogic and warrior constitutions! Enjoy and let me what you think! I’m posting this in the WF SanghaLounge as well…it’s kinda like our next cookbook-in-progress, always accessible to Members.

2 tablespoons healthy butter

1 small onion, minced

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon ground ginger

1/8 teaspoon turmeric

1 cup plain couscous

1 1/3 cups chicken broth

1/4 cup finely chopped NGVC bulk dried apricots

3 tablespoons NGVC bulk dried currants

1/4 cup NGVC bulk sliced almonds

Heat butter over medium heat in a medium saucepan using Non Dominant Hand for opening butter, cutting, stirring, lifting pot, etc. Add onion, garlic, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric, and sauté using Non Dominant Hand and the Mantra until onion softens, 3-4 minutes. Using Non Dominant Hand, add couscous. Stir with the Mantra and invoke an image of any one of the 34 million children that will go hungry again today, until well coated with spices and butter, 1 to 2 minutes. Add consciously the Chicken Broth, repeating the Mantra and Blessing For All Feathered Beings. May one day, our own flesh and blood provide karmically clean energy for another Being. Bring to simmer, remove from heat using Non Dominant Hand, cover, and let stand until couscous has absorbed all water, about 5 minutes.

Fluff couscous with Non Dominant Hand and with Mantra, and stir in apricots, currants, and almonds. Season to taste with whatever turns your constitution on.

One Response to “Conscious-Parent Meals: Killer Couscous ‘ACA’!”

  1. Kevin Burnett says:

    Sounds really good, thanks!

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