Noble Sangha! ilg’s most recent Youtube upload: https://youtu.be/bmtWcEWaAjs remember: www.Bodyhealth.com enter code: ILG10PLUS during checkout! look forward to sharing your BODYHEALTH JOURNEY!
Noble Sangha! ilg’s most recent Youtube upload: https://youtu.be/bmtWcEWaAjs remember: www.Bodyhealth.com enter code: ILG10PLUS during checkout! look forward to sharing your BODYHEALTH JOURNEY!
our peleton (20 warriors and warrioresses tonight!) shares a sacredly fun hour along any one of our imaginary outdoor rides we do in the summer…stop by if you are willing and able…let me know if you’d like a video to be made of one of my classes for my out of town Tribal Brothers and Sisters…
Since upping my dose to 5-7 per day my weight has reduced, my endurance increased, and most importantly the soreness has left my body! I am within 7 pounds of my playing weight and should be there by the end of the year. Many thanks to you and the Dr. for your always sage advice….head bowed, PG
Dighándíshwo’go bee shidziil…
(Running makes me strong)
running felt more natural to me than walking.
why walk,
when you can run like a Wolf?
until i broke my spine.
i still run.
i still race, kinda.
it ain’t the same.
not carefree feet flirting like Dewa’s upon and across Mother Earth’s skin.
not any more.
This is your next coach steve ilg approved Dharma movie! Enjoy and allow your sadhana to become re-recentered and re-ignited after watching this incredible documentary. A genuine must-see from the one and only Werner Herzog. A genuine spiritual warrior flick.
ilg calls this posture; Apresthresholdhellasana. ilg reckons this is what the common man is afraid of…spewing Sacred Spit after 51 minutes of Threshold uphill running through snow…yes, feeble ilg missed breaking the 50-minute barrier up the 2,029′ walls of snow by 1 stinkin’ minute. aaaaargh!!! That’s okay…in failure, we learn more than through success. Next week? If it still hasn’t snowed? I already have a different route selection that just may save me those few seconds to break 50-minutes. Such goes the Warrior Mind.
i mean, really…who do you know that is not only as fit as ilg at age 50, yet still is sooo in love with the
very same world-class whole-food herbs to this day as he was when he first began eating them 27 years ago?
pic; our kitchen counter contains our go-to SUNRIDER Whole Food Herbs, the ASEA Sacred Water, and the MAP Amino Acids…the Esteemed Nutritional Core of WF… all other dietary foods provide only calories, enjoyment, appreciation, and variety.