as offered to our Tribe by Devotee PY….


remember when ilg lived in Kinlani and would grace this Noble Cyber Chamber with similar pics of those Sacred Southwest Peaks?   yummm….ommm….aummm…

photo from L-R:  Agassiz Peak, (the ‘smaller’ double-humped peak is actually the highest and most Sacred Western Peak of the Diné; Doko’oosliid – Abalone Shell Mountain (Mt. Humphrey’s to the white man), Fremont Peak.  

my just-dead Dad’s favorite quote came from John C. Fremont’s obit; western pioneer/explorer:  “From the ashes of his campfires sprang the cities of the great American West…”

Doko’oosliid is the Birth Peak of my daughter; Dewachen and a Golden Mist flooded the entire mountain town on the evening of Her birth…Dewachen means, “The Golden Land of Bliss” and refers to the Heavenly Abode of Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of the WF Spiritual Lineage…

One Response to “(all access) Kinlani Sunset”

  1. Sandra Lee says:


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