pic;  coach using Uddiyana Bandha (Flying Upward Lock) during personal practice…if you are interested in test driving my Inner Drive Session,  and you are a Member, send me an email.  Not safe nor suggested for Students without at least 8-10 months of steadfast EMR practice.
Following EMR i performed the Inner Drive Session.  I ran into a question this morning while performing Uddiyana Bandha.  With the diaphragm pulled up and in do i only breathe by expanding the chest?  Normal breath comes from the pushing of the diaphragm so with that ‘flexed’ up and in then the only breath movement is in the expansion of the chest, correct?
Student BB


no,  i want you to maintain as MUCH of the tummy hollow as possible during Uddiyana;  thus,  firm the navel spineward on the inhales and – keeping the stomach sucked inward – use exhales to draw the navel upward…as if the inhales move the navel into the hollow of the spine (Sushumna) and the exhales run the navel up Sushumna like an elevator toward Heart Center (Anahata Chakra).   chest stays quiet.   this takes sOMe time.

One Response to “Q & A: dialing in Uddiyana Bandhic breathing”

  1. Karl Weiss says:

    thank you for the always gentle reminder to not rush the process. practice daily and that is enough. take your time. do the practice. And maybe in this lifetime. And maybe not….

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