Why exactly are we so frightened of death that we avoid looking at it altogether? Somewhere, deep down, we know we cannot avoid facing death forever. We know, in Milarepa’s words: “This thing called ‘corpse’ we dread so much is living with us here and now.”

pic by ilg of Dewachen Ilg at Pastorius Reservoir minutes outside of Durango, Colorado….whereupon, just minutes after this pic,  the 4 year-old hooked, reeled in, and land all by herself a most BEAUTIFUL 13″ Rainbow Trout…i’ll leave my Daddy-to-Daughter Bardo Teaching and congratulations imparted to her to your own imagination…

it was a Go(o)d evening on the Sacred Waters…

to new Daddy’s Everywhere:  take your chi-ld(ren) fishin’ because it ain’t fish that you are seeking;
it’s the Dharma that you can impart..

just listenin’,

your feeble teacher of nothing since 1981

One Response to “to new Daddy’s Everywhere:”

  1. Sandra Lee says:


    she is loved and will always be loved by all the flowers, lakes, streams, waterfalls, sun, moon, animal beings, Dawn Boy and Dawn Girl…………….

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