woke my girls up with a valentines gift for both of them…including this hair-tie lollipop, which was Ananda’s gift to Dewa…more coming tonight! Love is all there ever was, is, and shall be!

then,  i worked on my Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon transitions at Chapman this morning;  run into ski,  ski into snowshoes, and reversing them for Saturday…itching to Toe The Start Line of my most Sacred Hurt of all!  got my most complicated transition (snowshoe into ski) down to 1’22″…c’mon…bring it!   ready to suffer my feeble self unto, upon, and within the Throne of Tsidool; the Turquoise Mountain…the Sacred Peak of the South!   phew….75k’s…c’mon ilg…this will be my first Solo since 2007!   feeling it!

c’mon Sangha;  ilg will need your Sacred Vibrations of Pranic Empowerment this Saturday…i’ll do my best to update WF.com Members!

what do YOU have planned for your President’s Day Weekend?   maybe next year?  Tsidool?

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