Two races this season, and two wins…both coming less than 2 weeks after severely spraining my MCL (while dancing with Dewa, of all things!)…
there are NO ARROWS more vital for your cellular fitness quiver than the BodyHealth arsenal pictured above…i rely on each of the above every day, however, i’ve listed them below in order of PRIORITY for budget considerations:
1) MAP Amino Acid Pattern (overall cell empowerment/regeneration/positive nitrogen balance for optimal recovery/performance/energy)
2) BODYHEALTH INTESTINAL CLEANSE (digestive/elimination support and strengthening, colonic cleansing, agni ignition)
3) BODYHEALTH COMPLETE & DETOX (wholistic vitamin/mineral complex with liver support)
4) BODY DE-TOX (overall cellular basement membrane deep clean for nutrient transfer/cell vibrancy/cell permeability)
5) HEALTHY SLEEP ULTRA (incredibly effective yet safe complex for a mind/body/spirit deep sleep & recovery…amazing!)
6) METAL-FREE ( the ultimate in heavy metal detoxification at the cell level…especially vital for those who are NOT drinking Calli Beverage or Fortune Delight from SUNRIDER Herbs!)
and now, the best part: just for the (w)Holidays; click on the Purple Star on my landing page (see below) and receive a 4-for-1 or 20% off deal!!!