
How much about Wholistic Parenting not only mirrors, yet amplifies our own spiritual journey?…It’s like swinging with your Lil Rinpoche…Alert your alertness, yet… at the same time be relaxed.   So relaxed that not even a notion of relaxation remains.   Pic:  Relaxed Alertness is like holding onto the swing without realizing you are holding onto the swing;  you’re just dropping into the swinging!   photo this morning by ilg of Ananda and Dewachen swinging in front of my Altar Boy Alma Mater (Nourishing Mother); St. Columba Church, Durango, Colorado.

Wholistic Parenting Principle #1;  Do Drop In..

Drop-in’s are not only welcome, they are necessary! The dominant system of parenting here on Turtle Island – which now purges the most obese chi-less chi-ldren on the plane(t) – never begins with dropping into our chi-ld’s natural posture. It has more to do with finding baby-sitters of various guises and far less than dropping what it takes to drop into our chi-ld(ren).

Chi-ldren inhabit a soul-close Realm which is just about everything opposite most grown-ups like to do.  To wit;  squat, run, jump, splash, swing, hop, scoot around on bare floors and ground,  maintain a constant state of attraction (not to be confused with distraction) and most of all; keep a’goin.  For a conscious parent this means being a yogi;  being fit, aware, supple, and enduring.  Chi-ldren imprint kinesthetically faster than a bolt of lightning from a monsoon summer sky.   The very first and the very chronic thing we as WF Parents must do with our and any chi-ldren is to DROP IN!

Drop into their Way of Being…first of all;  Get Low.  Stay Low.  This is grossly uncomfortable…especially for parents which hogtie their way into heels, suits, jewelry, etc.  Get rid of all that.  Oh, and you better pretty much get ready to experience more hip opening than in a Zen Sesshin, cuz chi-ldren ain’t got the pelvic-restraining connective tissue that we’ve hardened into our pelvis set ups.

If we don’t Drop In kinesthetically with kids,  we’ve skipped First Base and ANYTHING that we say, think, or vibrate is going to be ratcheted way, way, way down on their Intuitive Wisdom of Things I Should Listen To list.  It’s just the way the eons have packed their punch, when it comes to Tribal Learning;  every Human Being gets experience only via neuronal stimulation upon the prevertebral and post vertebral spines.  WF parents need to be able to share and communicate with our Little MahaRaji’s on the Level which impinges upon the primordial senses first, then and only then dare we superimpose our supposed higher intellect (not wisdom, however) as we care and nurture their own unique blossoming.  Typically, we like to think quickly, to analyze, to judge, to infer and then get on with it.  Think here of Text Messaging.  However,  what that creates is a gap between experience and inference…and it’s that Gap which (our) chi-ldren are trying to re-in-still into us.

Just as we pay attention to the Gap between arising and diminishing breath is what we practice in Meditation…and just as we attempt to drop into the Gap between arising and diminishing thoughts is also what we practice in Meditation…so too, we must also cultivate the dropping into the Gap between us as adults and our Chi-ldren as Teachers.  To do that;  we begin kinesthetically,  somatically…just as i’ve trained you from the beginning of WF;  train the body to train the mind, then, body follows mind.  Same thing in WF Parenting.

As Conscious Parents,  we can only open our hearts to the mindfulness of daily interaction with our children when we climb down out of our adult mental machinations.  Thus, in Wholistic Parenting – unlike most other ‘spiritual’ or ‘conscious parenting’ methods,  we begin with the understanding that a chi-lds body is in a continual process of natural manipulation of the connective tissues which thus begets their psychospiritual structure.   That all that really matters?  Is the sweat-based LOVE we reintegrate into our lives…simply, easily, and wholistically…day by day!

May Thee Live Happily Ever Now…


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