spine straight,
legs crossed,
as closed to precious Mother Earth as you possbily can for this Chi Hit:
hit this link:
Support this artist and the Sacredness of the Wholistic Fitness™ birthh(om)e; the (Native) American Southwest!
Time: tomorrow (Friday 23rd); 8am PST, 9am MST, 10am CST, 11am EST
Call In: 712-432-0075, code 635808#
What About: Coach will speak on the impact of Asea Sacred Water upon oxidative stress among endurance athletes
Most Noble Sangha,
we get so many Messages about what a ‘yogis mind’ should be like that it gets hard to decipher what our genuine Mind is! is that the definition of insanity or what?
in this 3-minute Audio Teaching, i’ll temporarily suspend all your confusion about what a Calm, Clear Mind is…
Bring your spine elegant, your breath low, soften your eyes, relax your limbs and enjoy hearing Coach speak about what just might be our most precious ally along our Journey Higher: “A Neutral Mind.”