(all access) WF Temple Gong – Henry George Ilg;  March 1, 1933 – May 23, 2011…

i’ve never said so many Mantra rounds in my life…

My father, Henry George Ilg, entered the Bardo on May 23rd, 8:11pm at the age of 79 courtesy of a massive heart failure. He never broke untrue to his character; the absolute toughest Warrior ever…he was kicking and fighting the doctors until the sedation set in…

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Osama exhaled his last exhale as you and i shall too, one day…ilg needs to re-teach some fundamental Bardo Entry so that you can cut through all the non-Practictioner media;

The whole of the Bardo of Becoming has an average duration of 49 (sound familiar Christ-yogi’s?) days and a minimum length of one week. But it varies, just as now some people live to be 100 and and others die in infancy. some can even get stuck in the bardo, to become spirits or ghosts. Dudjom Rinpoche used to explain that during the first 21 days of the Bardo, you will have strong impressions of your previous life, and this is therefore the most important period for the living to be able to help a dead person. After that, your future life slowly takes shape and becomes the dominant influence…

We have to wait in the Bardo until we can make a karmic connection with our future parents. I sometimes think of the Bardo as something as a transit lounge, in which you can wait up to 49 days before transferring to the next life. But there are two special cases who don’t have to wait in the intermediate state, because the intensity of the power of the karma sweeps them immediately on to their next rebirth. The first are those who have lived extremely beneficial and positive lives, and so trained their minds in spiritual practice that the force of their realization carries them directly into a good rebirth. The second case are those whose lives have been negative and harmful; they travel swiftly dow to their next rebirth, wherever that might be…

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Most Noble Warrior Elder JL,

Blessed be your bright Light which beamed so beautifully upon those of us who ‘get’ the necessity (not the luxury) of daily sweat…

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Dear Coach,
i have read for years now your beautiful, eloquent Teachings on Bardo Entry…i know first hand of just how empowering your deeply conscious counseling as a Reverend and Recognized Dharma Server can be for the dying…so thank you. However, during the recent Death and Dying of my father with which you helped so pricelessly, I have been thrown into a type of Bardo myself and have questioned so many things about living and dying. I need to ask you this; What are your TAF’s about suicide? Forgive me if you have already offered a Teaching on this…I scanned the Teachings Archives as best as I could to no avail. I do not ever want you to think I am lazy before asking such a pivotal question.

For All You Choose To Be and Do No Matter What,

your student A.B.

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Feels Weird, yet…so utterly Precious!

this DL; my final one on Blogger is about this Special Life, this Special Vibe… how to say? THANK YOU for being such a sacred part of my Direct Lines Subscribers…. Yogi Jesus had 12 Discplined Warriors (aka; Disciples)… Yogi Buddha had 3… now, at this M(om)ent as The Journal of Wholistic Fitness (aka; Direct […]

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Brother Bachar Begins The Toughest Free Solo Of His Life; His Death

well, the emails from my rock climbing brother and sisterhood are streaming in…i understand my my old friend from my era of American rock climbing has hit the deck during a free solo near Bishop, CA and is now free soloing – as we all must – his Bardo Entry and Navigation….on behalf of myself […]

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