Spiritual Sauca…plus; an Embedded DL and iDL Special Offer!

Pain isweakness leaving our bodies, sure. Pain is also intensity strengthening our weaknesses. Pain is karma spin balancing our granthis. Seek pain for spiritual sauca, however,do not Attach to it. the ignorant areoften more comfortable in conscious sufferingthan in doing the work of spiritual evolution. Remember continuously that our nature is fluid,not solid.We are more […]

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Beings Of Light…if we reMember…

click on photos to enlarge the Chi Hit! We must all-Ways remember, Oh Mighty Limb’d Warriors of our Precious Path,that we were born from,are sustained by,and will return again to;Light…Divine Light is our Nature for we have done enough SoulWorkthroughout these last few eonsto have earned a Human Incarnation…and..Human Beings are a Solar Tribe…that is,we […]

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President OM; sounding off a lot of WF Dharma; attacking our Addiction to Comfort

Obama’s New Sky Dawns Over Sacred Peak; this morning…photo by ilg click to enlarge. Well,well,well. A new Leader for the Turtle Island Tribe. God Bless him…May Dharma light his way…andthere indeed be, as i put forth months ago; a lot of OM in ObaMa… regardless for whom you may have voted…i bow to your noble […]

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Unknown Korean Warrior; "Wholistic Fitness is very great."

okay,i’ll get to my Kendrick Mountain Duathlon monster in a sec…first,however,i’ll need us ALL to Slow Our Rolland just look,listen,andFEEL the sincerity of this beautifulWF Warrior Brother from Korea… *** Hi Steve Ilg’sI’m KoreanI can’t english well (I will study english well^^)but I have a questionI read a book Total BodyQustion is HerbKind of emperor […]

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"A Path Without Dharma, is just more Drama." – Four WF DharmaSword swings straight from coach

don’t know for sure, however,for some you devoted WF Warriors? you might need to listen to the Navajo War Song while reading my Four DharmaSword Strikes below… here is a link to:Navajo War Song;WF Temple Approved In My Weak Moments… WF was the first Fitness Path in America to have integrated both Yoga and Meditationinto […]

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Could this be the reason for a world lacking in real compassion?

It has often intrigued me how some Buddhist masters I know ask one simple question of people who approach them for teaching: “Do you believe in a life after this one?” They are not being asked whether they believe in it as a philosophical proposition but whether they feel it deeply in their hearts. The […]

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InJury Depressed Student Meets Shiva Clearing House at his Lower Chakra Level…

Think INSIDE The Box (literally)!Dewachen Ilg, 13.5 months – riding in her Princess Boat named, “LADY RINPOCHE I”. photo by ilg. do not republish. *** Coach!I wanted to check in and say hello. I hope you are doing very well andenjoying the autumn in Flagg. I’m sure it’s beautiful w those high desertpines..and I’m sure […]

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“Whatever is happening to us now mirrors our past karma. If we know that, and know it truly, whenever suffering and difficulties befall us, we do not view them particularly as failures or catastrophes, or see suffering as a punishment in any way. Nor do we blame ourselves or indulge in self-hatred. We see the […]

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