Tribal Kiva Talk Recording: “Q&A September 30, 2011”

Our sixth 2011 Kiva Talk for WF Members was an intimate Q&A call. We chatted about Mantras, Blessings, Bodywork, Movements, Pilgrimages, Herbs, and more. Pull up a log by the Tribal Campfire and listen in …

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Tribal Kiva Talk Recording: “WF Nutrition”

In our fifth 2011 Kiva Talk for WF Members, we got a taste (!) of the fifth (and most “un-coachable”) Noble Fitness Discipline of Wholistic Fitness: Nutrition!

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Ilg Meditates

Our fourth 2011 Kiva Talk for WF Members was a Go(o)d one. We dove deep as we explored the fourth Noble Fitness Discipline of Wholistic Fitness: Meditation!

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Tribal Kiva Talk Recording: “HP Yoga”

In our third 2011 Kiva Talk for WF Members, we explored the third Noble Fitness Discipline of WF: HP Yoga! You may want to listen to this recording multiple times, as there are some powerful lessons here …

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Tribal Kiva Talk Recording: “WF Cardio”

Our second 2011 Kiva Talk for WF Members explored the second Noble Fitness Discipline of WF: Cardio Training! If you missed the call, you can listen to the recording here.

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Tribal Kiva Talk Recording: “WF Strength Training”

We kicked off our 2011 Kiva Talks for WF Members last Friday with an exploration of Wholistic Fitness Strength Training: its origins, its importance, its philosophies, and its effects.

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Ilg on Elden Mountain

We had our first Members only conference call last night! We spent the first 45 minutes exploring the notion of “passionate balance” along the spiritual path. Then I answered a few questions about three of life’s most delicious mysteries: hope, faith, and getting enough sleep!

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