HP Yogi Squat of the Weekgoes to Venerable HP Yoga® student and fellow Durangatang, Brad Tafoya. Shown above during a recent backpack trip into the Weminuche, Yogi BT is not only in an active yogi squat, he is also sawing with his Non-Dominant hand in a wonderful display of two of my basic WF Lifestyle […]
do your Chi a favor; click on each to enlarge… Yogi Squat of the Week goes to…Dewachen Ilg, who turns 3 this September 11th. oh, like you’re even gonna TRY to throw down a Yogi Squat comp with Dewa? i think not…your patella’s would just shoot straight out through your skin if you tried sinking […]
click on pics to deepen your chance of nausea…reader beware…all photo by ilg unless otherwise noted fresh from the Medic’s Tent (see photo below), coach ilg – founder and creator of Wholistic Fitness® gets the Yoga Squat of the Week Award. after crashing hard at 25 mph onto my right hip/elbow, i immediately began the […]
photo by ilg earlier this morning,click to enlarge the Love Hit… Ananda also wins the Yogi Squat of the Week Award for this one…(and yes, for those Alert WF Warriors who have NOT lost their Inner Chi-ild,that is indeed, Thomas and Percy in Dewa’s hands!) “We have all been mothers in previous lives.”– Buddha Happy […]
click on photos to enlarge the Chi Transmission Hey Coach, sure hope your Wholiday was great, honestly. As for my wholiday it was about as genuine as it gets back home. I finally took some time to snap some pics. for my archives and I thought that I would share one of my favorites with […]
This beautiful Yogi Squat comes to us from New WF Online Student Rich Stone of Juneau, Alaska. Rich will be here at the WF Temple H(om)e in less than a week for a one-day Private Intensive. Some more about this fantastic warrior from the far north; BirthDate: Sept 11, 1957 WF StudyPath: To challenge my […]
my yogi squat (aka; ‘the ilg wheelchair’) at the 13,150′ summit of this years Imogene Pass Race…i took this m(om)ent to do a quick Pranayam and relieve my lumbar compression from the preceding 2:36 hours of uphill running before taking flight down the 7 miles and 4,000′ descent. photo by elevationimaging.com send in your pic […]
there ain’t nuthin’ like WF,and there SURE ain’t nuthin’ like a WF Student…ilg LOVES ALL my Students soooo much! i’d stack your degree of conscious fitness against ANY OTHER ‘fitness path’ on this plane(t)…no other Fitness Path permeates the entire physiology AND the lifestyle of their students as does WF and because of that single, […]