Most Noble Sangha,
Having considerable experience both personally and professionally in multi-day hiking and trail work/trailbuilding, i wish to offer without charge this Proven Pathway which has kept many a hiker/trailworker healthy and capable of enduring the associated challenges which must be met, calmed, and conquered by the multi-day hiker/trail worker/builder….
feeble ilg only asks that you give appropriate credit if you choose to share this vinyasa with others…
May it be of Benefit to you and it has been to myself and my students throughout the decades….
head bowed,
spirit vowed,
feeble ilg

Wholistic Fitness® Hiking/Trailwork Therapy:
to be performed before and after each day’s hike/trailwork:
•) Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) Level One; (let me know if you need this pranayama prescription again)
•) Wholistic Fitness® Hiking Vinyasa:
1) Uttitha Tadasana (Extended Mountain Pose); engage Mula Bandha and Ujjayi Breathing
2) Exhale into Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
3) Inhale into Half Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana); super flat spine, lift skull casing in top position to stimulate thyroid/parathyroid
4) Exhale into Yogi(ni) Squat; direct the Pranic Breath into lower back and lower achilles area
5) Inhale into Half Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana); super flat spine, lift skull casing in top position to stimulate thyroid/parathyroid
6) Exhale into Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
7) Inhale into Half Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana); super flat spine, lift skull casing in top position to stimulate thyroid/parathyroid
8) Exhale into Yogi(ni) Squat; direct the Pranic Breath into lower back and lower achilles area
9) Repeat 5-8 for as many rounds as feels appropriate
•) Wholistic Fitness® Lower Quadrant Energetic Openers
to be performed at least every other day AFTER the day’s hike/trailwork:
1) Sit in Virasana (Hero/Heroine Posture) with elegant spine; engage Mula Bandha and Ujjayi Breathing and reach back and manually draw the heels together
2) Inhale; raise both knees (hold top position if desired for amplified benefit for a few breaths)
3) Exhale; lower both knees
4) Inhale; curls toes under and raise both knees (hold top position if desired for amplified benefit for a few breaths)
5) Exhale; lower both knees
6) repeat 1-6 for as many rounds as feels appropriate
please do not republish without my consent
head bowed,
spirit vowed,
coach steve ilg, cpt/uscf/ryt 500