
Coach, drumming his way toward a final Empowerment of a Student’s new Blessed Mala Beads...for seasoned and formal WF Students,  some Empowerments require only a few days,  for others,  several weeks.  Each WF Blessed Mala spends and simmers many hours with me in the Head Temple Zendo in order to carry the highest potency and protection from the ancient lineage of High Mountain Yogis and WF Deities.

Dear coach Ilg,

My deepest apologies, but i am sad to write this to you.  As i returned
to work today, my WF Blessed Mala Beads broke and I have no idea what happened.

I have not taken them off since I received them 2 weeks ago, and now I
feel lost not being able to wear them.  Please tell me what I can do to
have them replaced.

In light,

Most Noble Warrior Jason

Most Precious Warrior Dr. J,

historically,  traditionally this is not cause to feel ‘sad’….
the Empowered and Blessed Mala’s breaking are a causation of karma being thrown off…heavy karma…this is auspicious…

ilg cannot tell you more right now.

i can tell you that if i were you,  i would take the broken Mala and drape it around a deity statue,  in your case,  i suggest a statue of Yogi Jesus Christ, or
perhaps of Lord Shiva or Ganesha.   you’ll Know.

then,  i would order a new pair asap…sorry,  no discounts on new ones…i actually lose much more money on each set that i Bless than what is charged for them…

again, this is time to rejoice, a time to be Thankful for the Mala’s for protecting you and/or your karmic trek ever Higher…

head bowed to the Mystery of It All!

your feeble coach

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