
pic:  today’s noble effort on the snowshoes was a 1:15 workout up 1,800′ up and down while re-breaking my own trail set a few days earlier yet through another 6″ of fresh POW!   there simply is NO OTHER SPORT like snowshoeing!  


The world’s original winter sport which saved the human ‘race’ remains the most demanding, mystical, and spirit-elevating pursuit on this Plane(t)….but don’t take my word for it…get out and snowshoe for yourself! Honor the origin of winter sports this January 30 @ The Winter Warrior 10k, Durango Nordic center…



pic: old grasses, young snows…one of the countless images that hits my 17-trillion cells during snowshoe workouts/workwithins…Red Mountain Pass, an hour and 20 from Durango… 


“Hey boss, congrats on your snow days. What kind of shoe do you recommend to wear with Tubbs running snow shoes? I’ve had the shoes a long time but never settle on a pair that keep my feet half dry yet aren’t boots themselves. Suggestions? Thanks!”  – Bob Reilly from somewhere not in Durango


Bob!   thanks for the question!    easy answer*…your favorite pair of running shoes!   do not worry about staying dry or warm…during snowshoe workouts?   your heart rate is so high that no cold penetrates the intensity of snowshoe workouts/racing!


head bowed…see you at the Start of the www.WinterWarrior10k.com !


feeble ilg


*everything about sport snowshoeing is easy…and immensely difficult and supremely spiritually elevating at the same time!






2 Responses to “ALL ACCESS: SnowShoe Chi…and Student Q&A!”

  1. Ken Doyle says:

    Hello Steve. Keep the snow out in Colorado. I need a few more weeks of sun on the golf course. You never cease to amaze. I will be toeing the start line tomorrow morning for my “MINUTES ARE FOREVER WORKOUT.” Wholistic Fitness will always be with me. LOVE, Kendo

  2. coach says:

    you sure? golf courses make FANTASTIC snowshoeing and nordic skiing venues!!!
    love you waaay beyond the current incarnation…keep swinging’…


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