

Still riding a high after killing a public speaking gig, came h(om)e and quickly made dinner…End result; Sandra so happy after working two jobs to bacon-infused, herb-entranced Red Chard over a bed of Rice…

you’re tired after a long day.

whose not?

you got food and/or $ to buy food and/or have a garden fr(om) which to gather food?


that is Ingredient Numero Uno!  GRATITUDE!

•)  prepare rice:   ilg usually does 2 cups rice which needs 4 cups water and a veggie bouillon cube
•)  as Rice Beings (yeah, they are Beings as art thou) cook,  you sauteé in a cast iron skillet the following:   onion, garlic, olive oil.
•)  add Bacon;  just like uh, 7? 2-inch cutlets…use the Blessed Mantra as you are dealing with the remnants of a Flesh Being…
•) once Bacon, Garlic, Onion have reached satisfaction levels?   drain and set aside.
•) sauté/boil Chard Beings to appropriate texture,   once ready? re- introduce the sautee’d Onions, Garlic, and Bacon to the cooked Swiss Chard Beings…sprinkle with Seasoned Salt, Ground Pepper, Cayenne (careful), Tumeric (careful, homie!),  Ground Mustard, and ilg forgets what else (must be the Cab)…OH, douse the above with Braggs Liquid Aminos…and add 2 Peppers

once the Chard Beings are soft?

you’re done!


perhaps – as pictured – splay some Mozeralla cheese




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