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we are looking at ilg’s breakfast this morning after my Early Morning Ritual® which included a sustained enjoyment of my Medicine Spider Inversion/Backbend Routine® into Standing Medicine Spider Routine® (which – btw – took out 90% of an uncharacteristically tweaked lower back weirdness felt upon awakening…).

cast-iron skillet on Medium laced with Olive Oil, gleefully add the left over Rice fr(om) last night’s meal*.  sauté Rice until nearly crispy. create skillet space upon which to kill it with your farm fresh Egg Being.  sprinkle both precious Egg Being and Rice Beings with seasoned salt and lemon pepper.

add Hatch Green Chiles as you c(om)bine all the above while:


infuse all the above with:
•) our Lineage Wholistic Fitness® Mantra
•) using your Non D(om)inant hand as much as possible
•) using as little Water as possible to prep and clean
•) Bodyhealth’s Perfect Amino’s and Complete and Omega 3 at least 20-minutes before this meal
•) Sunrider Whole Food Herbs:  Quinary and Vitadolphilus at least 20-minutes before this meal

questions along the Proven Path since 1981?  that is why ilg remains Here Now…for YOU!

head bowed,

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* basmati rice and tuna (with Braggs Amino Acids and Goddess Dressing)




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