go here and hit your Refresh button: Wholistic Fitness Homepage i bow as deep as my Padmasana allows to Noble WF Student Brad Ganttfor your Devotion to WF and Engaged Volunteer Effort and Art! knee deep in the Abundance of the best Warriors on the planet, el coache
WF Temple Cat Jasper often keeps a Four Legged Eye of Wisdom on Teacher Ananda’s work with her Online Students to make sure our WF Online Teaching is not too Intellectual! photo by coach. Over at HP Yogini’s Karen’s blog: http://pastkarmona.blogspot.com she quoted from perhaps the most disrespected yet highest spiritually evolved culture from which […]
as a child, my nordic ski coaches would haul us Durango skier punks over to Wolf Creek Ski Area in the early season just so we could get a jump on our ski training. no small feat for a small mountain town ski team at the kid level; Wolf Creek was a good 150 mile […]
(sorry don’t know what Blogger is doing to my photos these days.) Philadelphia WF Online Student Mark “Feather” Featherman seems to be coming into Peak Form right on target with a podium one month away from Nationals! i am very ‘proud’ of how Student Feather has finally dedicated himself to his Early Morning Ritual. Obviously, […]
Clues In The Forest; 1) The Online Desha Whereupon the DL and WF Warriors Gather… 2) Seek the Cave where Sitting Still is the Top Priority… 3) Veteran Master Online Student Ludgate will meet you there and take you to my most recent Teaching for you… om so ti, coach ilg
(click to enlarge) *** Those who have been through the near-death experience have reported a startling range of aftereffects and changes. One woman said:“The things that I felt slowly were a very heightened sense of love, the ability to communicate love, the ability to find joy and pleasures in the smallest and most insignificant things […]
STUDENT: What is the meaning of Om So Ti? I had it translated but my translator said it was an incomplete sentence. COACH ILG:well it’s hard to find a go(o)d translator these Kali Yuga Daze! only a recognized Protector of the Dharma is supposed to be able to publicly use that phrase.it was permitted to […]
nearly hypothermic after a November training ride,ironically, the warmest place to be these days? CHILLIN’ out in front of the computer,surfing the new WF SanghaLounge and rappin’ with my Tribal Brothers and Sisters!(forgive the half-a-thumb in your face!) my Teachers trained me from elementary school; “Blessed is he who has no expectations for he shall […]