“This new program i can already tell will be so much fun……..training for death and living with joy ! I already feel trust issues coming to the surface—–trusting that all the iron temple training and diminished amounts of cardio and modest amounts of yoga will provide me with benefits—–it is a GREAT teaching for me […]
Dearest Coach Guruji, I trust that as you encourage us not to shy from words like “God” or “Lord” (personally though not Christian I really click with your tales from Yogi J.C.’s adventures) in the same manner you will not shy away from that multi-dimensional term “guru” as so many teachers do. It is like […]
Karma is not fatalistic or predetermined. Karma means our ability to create and to change. It is creative because we can determine how and why we act. We can change. The future is in our hands, and in the hands of our heart.Buddha said:Karma creates all, like an artist,Karma composes, like a dancer. – Buddha […]
Man, I love Learning…especially from my own Students! we have been having a ton of Svadhyaya Fun over at WF Teacher Ko’s Blog: http://www.twistedsageblog.blogspot.com/
“I often, in the Iron Temple, see everyone there as Miners. All working, toiling, digging up this power of self-transformation. Alchemical gold. I see one look up, his headlamp shining right at me but not outshining the fire in his eyes and he says “Good God Gold!” with a FEVER.” – WF Aspirant and SUNRIDER […]
Namaste Lovely Teacher Ananda, Greetings from London� the place I�ve always dreamed of living in. It�s been 6 weeks since I arrived, and suddenly I feel like a child again. New place, new environment, new culture, so many unfamiliar things happening at once. Sometimes I feel so happy for living my dream, other times I […]
11,200′ on Sandia Peak, New Mexico; snowshoe yoga studio of coach ilg. photo/coach ilg This question comes in from our Tribal MTB National Champion, Timari Pruis TIMARI:Hey coach,i have a question for you, actually a couple of questions. first of all, i was wondering approximately how many hours on a bike does a strenuous 2 […]
For my MahaNidraRishi…Thank you for Working upon my etheral sheaths in so many Amazing Ways..Thank you for the excruciating Purifications and through that Pain;showing me Pranic Shards of “Fitness Training” that my feeble capacities as a yogihave yet to learn… i bow before you in admiration of your countless hours of working within yourself,of being […]