“Dude,that leg/calf work sequence in tonights HP PROP WORKOUT just CRUSHED me! i LOVED IT!”– AndrewFlag *** ***“Coach,wow…Tuesday’s class was so different! i loved the Slow Flow-into-No Flow!! That is what makes your classes so special and beneficial; i never knowwhat to expect and my body is always been forced to adapt! i LOVE IT!” […]
Oh, Steve…help ~ I forgot to ask about vitamins in my last email. I’ve been told I need to add vitamins as I am run down with school and teaching..no surprise:) I know you are the perfect person to make the recommendation of what I should order from Sunrider. Here is my info: *teach 4 […]
Congratulations PHILLIES!!! must have been that Dark Force of the name, “Devil Rays” which caught to that other team? now, forgive feeble ilg, however, why is that Baseball, Basketball, and Football teams in America get to call themselves “WORLD CHAMPIONS,” when,no other countries are even allowed to contest their sport? all i know from my […]
Do the Math: Without cleansing and supporting your 5 Organ Systems – including your two immune systems – through the The “Secret Herbs of Wholistic Fitness” each day, each week, each year… then,you just ain’t gonna have the body, mind, and spirit to be attracted to Regenerative,Wholesome pursuits such as Meditation, Yoga, Strength Training, Cardio […]
don’t know for sure, however,for some you devoted WF Warriors? you might need to listen to the Navajo War Song while reading my Four DharmaSword Strikes below… here is a link to:Navajo War Song;WF Temple Approved In My Weak Moments… WF was the first Fitness Path in America to have integrated both Yoga and Meditationinto […]
It has often intrigued me how some Buddhist masters I know ask one simple question of people who approach them for teaching: “Do you believe in a life after this one?” They are not being asked whether they believe in it as a philosophical proposition but whether they feel it deeply in their hearts. The […]
“There is a lot of OM in ObaMa!”- coach ilg*** this year, not unlike past presidential election years,my worldwide sangha has asked for my choice in a new president. though yogis are traditionally apolitical– we devote our lives and sweat and spirit and practice to the heightening of consciousness to individuals and then trust in […]
Yet another Podium for WF!Roberto Crespo, center, shows off his well-earned ‘heavy metal’ on the podium at one of my former race/pilgrimages; The Furnace Creek 508. click here at Chris Kostman’s website; AdventureCorps.com for more. (in fact, if you watch the scrolling pics on that website, you’ll see your ol’ coach awaiting a hand off […]